Israel cannot afford a war of attrition.

Erosion of cities or attrition of automobiles?

The more you do, the more attrition you experience.

Certainly the attrition rate of Hollywood couples looms large.

The war of attrition against the Zionist enemy will never cease.

In politics, exhaustion and attrition need to be overcome, not indulged.

It is not labor that kills, but the small attritions of daily routine that wear us down.

The chain of friendship, however bright, does not stand the attrition of constant close contact.

We were succeeding. When you looked at specifics, this became a war of attrition. We were winning.

I have yet to met a liberal who can withstand the attrition of prolonged discussion of the unessentials.

It's a war of attrition. If you have patience and a modicum of faith in yourself your chances are not too bad.

Well, I think we need to have attrition by enforcement. We need to secure our borders. We need to enforce our laws.

What you get is what you see, which is suspending kids doesn't lead to high attrition rate. That is what the data shows.

The earlier you invest, the higher that attrition rate is because it's compounded. We have a more scientific method of investment.

Rather than realizing immediate physiological gain, the challenge is more about reducing the mental attrition from the two days to maximize each event.

I am concerned about any attrition in customer traffic at Starbucks, but I don't want to use the economy, commodity prices or consumer confidence as an excuse.

War of attrition, war of wills. That's what the Stanley Cup playoffs are - more intense, more physical and more prolonged than the playoffs of any other sport.

But I don't want massive layoffs of anyone - public or private. We are planning on shrinking government through attrition and reform, not through random pink slips.

The press is still investing itself, it seems to me, in a sort of cynicism. It comes out better for them if they can predict hard times, bogging down, sniping, attrition.

Attrition through enforcement is simply the self-evident principle that if you ratchet up the level of enforcement and make it more difficult to break the law, fewer people will continue to break the law.

There are certain aspects that cross over from ODIs to Tests. Tactically, they are quite different and you are a lot longer in the game. It is more like a war of attrition and you think tactically as bowlers.

I pledge allegiance to the living, and I will defend art from history. I will rescue art from the future, from its attrition into taste, and from the speculative notion that it will become more valuable with time.

Employing more women at all levels of a company, from new hires to senior leaders, creates a virtuous cycle. Companies become more attuned to the needs of their female employees, improving workplace culture while lowering attrition.

Some comments are within bounds, while some are not. But by whining about every little barb, candidates are trying to win the election through a war of staff resignation attrition, and Americans are losing the ability to distinguish between what is fair game and what is not.

I am concerned about any attrition in customer traffic at Starbucks, but I don't want to use the economy, commodity prices or consumer confidence as an excuse. We must maintain a value proposition to our customers as well as differentiate the Starbucks Experience. That is the key.

My injuries are more due to attrition than accidents. I have a couple of herniated discs in my neck, and that more than anything else - I had a flare-up last December, and I had actually made the decision to retire before that, but that just cemented the choice. I was flat on my back.

When I was in the Army, the unit I served in, you could never stop. It was a volunteer unit, and there was a fairly high rate of attrition. The people who stayed through are the people who were either great at it or the people who just didn't know how to stop. And I fell into that second category.

My experience as energy and climate change secretary - in the months I spent battling George Osborne over the budget for investment in low carbon, and in the daily attrition with Eric Pickles over onshore wind - was that many Conservatives simply regard their commitment to climate change action as something they had to say to get into power.

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