I want to end austerity.

Austerity need not be Europe's fate.

Sinn Fein will not do Tory austerity.

Voters want prosperity, not austerity.

Prosperity should be our goal, not austerity.

I grew up in austerity in the 1940s and 1950s.

Austerity causes constipation; excess, diarrhea.

The Devil doesn't fear austerity but holy obedience.

I am not a person who believes in austerity or denial.

Democracies can't handle austerity measures very well.

What you call austerity is what I might call efficiency.

Austerity is, devastatingly, not a party political issue.

Europe's younger generation has only experienced austerity.

Extreme concupiscence may be found under extreme austerity.

In difficult economic times, I'm firmly opposed to austerity.

There is going to have to be austerity in the state of Kentucky.

Where nature is sovereign, there is no need of austerity and self-denial.

The boom, not the slump, is the right time for austerity at the Treasury.

Having done a Dogme film taught me the beauty of simplicity and austerity.

Even in a time of fiscal austerity, education is more than just an expense.

On the elusive gift of blending austerity of craft with elasticity of allure.

Austerity policy without currency devaluation can only hamper economic growth.

I think it's essential that we do more than talk about austerity measures and cutting.

Austerity and Brexit are two sides of the same coin, like the Brexit party and the Tories.

As a Scandinavian, I like hopelessness and the weird austerity in the hopelessness of things.

Austerity hasn't just decimated our public services. It has corroded the political imagination.

Instead of an end to austerity, Labour has made clear that it wants to impose more austerity cuts.

Deficits must be cut, yes, but the rush to austerity risks undermining the fragile global recovery.

The seminaries must be like the churches' poor relations, prolonging their existence with austerity.

Austerity is not part of the European treaties; democracy and the principle of popular sovereignty are.

Jeremy Corbyn has proved popular with young voters in part because he has promised an end to austerity.

The politics of austerity, of higher taxes, decided by governments, have lengthened the economic crisis.

We are witnessing the death of abundance and the borning of austerity, for what may be a long, long time.

Americans have always been able to handle austerity and even adversity. Prosperity is what is doing us in.

Americans have always been able to handle austerity and even adversity. Prosperity is what is doing us in.

The insistence of European leaders to austerity policies keeps the European economy strapped in stagnation.

This government and the party that I lead will continue to argue an alternative to the Tory-Labour austerity.

Food is a weapon in austerity Britain. Hunger, the threat of and the reality of, is used to coerce and control.

The excess of the voluptuary, like the austerities of the recluse, triumphs in the suffrage of perverted reason.

Profitability is coming from productivity, efficiency, management, austerity, and the way to manage the business.

If the Labour manifesto is a pale shade of austerity, then I believe Labour will be defeated at the next election

Every austerity measure that Cameron and George Osborne make is being presented in Scotland as the English starving us.

I think 'austerity' is a much abused word. I prefer to call it 'fiscal discipline' or financial, 'financial competency.'

As we leave the E.U., the U.K. can turn its back on the austerity policies that have been the hallmark of the euro area.

Crackdown, the video, interpreted and reflected a sense of authority and austerity and a sense of slight, impending doom.

We are not jumping on the austerity bandwagon. A healthy economy is by far the most important thing for Social Democrats.

Especially in these times of austerity and the world feels like it's falling apart, it's good for people to have a laugh.

Austerity is literally a matter of life and death. Unless it is stopped, lives will continue to be unnecessarily shortened.

When the banks crashed the global economy in 2007-08, it was they who received a bailout while the rest of us got austerity.

The cruel realities of austerity and Brexit mean that life is chaotic, expensive and the road ahead is littered with obstacles.

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