I don't agree with the Tories on most things.

The Tories should treat working families with more respect.

The Tories have made a complete mess of Brexit negotiations.

The Tories seem unable to make any impact north of the border.

Right-wing in Holland is to the Left of the Tories in England.

The Tories win elections when they lead on economic competence.

The Tories wanted to get rid of fuel poverty targets. I stopped them.

Every time the Tories are in government, our democracy takes a battering.

The Tories have long since abdicated any pretension of principled global leadership.

The anti-European Tories were a fringe group - until they took over their whole party.

I think the Tories are doing - and are intent on doing - damage to things I hold dear.

Austerity and Brexit are two sides of the same coin, like the Brexit party and the Tories.

Most Asians I know still don't trust the Tories on race - and they have good reason not to.

The truth is the Tories don't own Brexit. No party owns Brexit and that includes the Brexit Party.

The global economy is spluttering back into life. The Tories would have left it to choke to death.

The Tories, every election, must have a bogy man. If you haven't got a programme, a bogy man will do.

Every time the Tories get a bit of power, they rip off all the things I love... The mining industry. Milk.

I understand why the Tories will be gunning for Alastair Campbell because they fear his campaigning skills.

My child was one of Nature's Tories pitted against a mother who was one of nurture's Lefties: it was no contest.

Politics has become so polarised. We're stuck between the Ukip-lite Tories and Jeremy Corbyn. How is that a choice?

I've never done any cross-party stuff. I've no interest in sitting down discussing pensions or whatever with Tories.

They say that the older you get, the more conservative you become: perhaps that's the reason there are no Tories in Scotland.

It is more important for Labour to raise the reputation of politics than for the Tories, who are only in politics for the money.

I have written on all sorts of subjects... yet I have no enemies; except indeed all the Whigs, all the Tories, and all the Christians.

It is clear that my predecessor as First Minister is frightening the life out of the Tories and the Labour Party. Long may it continue.

During the last economic slowdown in the 1990s, the Tories slashed infrastructure investment. I am determined not to make that mistake.

The graduate earnings premium, used by the Tories to justify many of their regressive higher education policies, is fast becoming a myth.

We are a million miles from the Tories. While we promote international co-operation and human rights abroad, they pull up the drawbridge.

The sheer scale of what the Tories are attempting to do is staggering. But Sinn Fein will not agree to this ideologically driven austerity agenda.

Ed Balls has made it crystal clear that, left to its own devices, a Labour government would simply carry on with the same budget policies as the Tories.

Not all Tories are atrocious heartless fiends, I concede. But those who wield hunger as a weapon while claiming their own meals on expenses, are beyond satire.

When I was a boy during Thatcher, you watched elections and wept in disbelief as the whole country turned blue, Scotland turned red, and we still got the Tories.

For decades, life expectancy steadily rose in Britain: and then, suddenly, just as the Tories took power and imposed austerity, this improvement ground to a halt.

Why the Tories are happy to subsidise home ownership for middle class graduates and affluent social tenants, but not for widows on low incomes, is simply beyond me.

Conservatives claim they are 'one nation' Tories when they have actually been a government for the 1% who have undermined our economic interests through their greed.

I had never met anyone of my own age that was a Tory, so going to university and seeing people who were Tories and who believed in what I believed in was an eye-opener.

It's hard to find good teamwork in practice, and I have never thought that we, as a party, were any better at working as a team than the Tories, despite our core values.

After being Washington's aide for four years and becoming the hero of Yorktown, Hamilton was viewed with a great deal of suspicion because of his association with Tories.

The conversion of agnostic High Tories to the Anglican church is always rather suspect. It seems too pat and predictable, too clearly a matter of politics rather than faith.

The Labour party still really has no idea why their people voted for Brexit. They still think that basically it's naive Labour voters being conned by terribly clever Tories.

The Tories are trying to lock the country into the old, dirty technologies that harm our communities and the people who are forced to live with disruption on their doorstep.

We won't enshrine the Tories' policies in Scotland. We won't run away from the Tories but then let them run our economy. We will face up to the Tories, and we will beat them.

If the Tories are serious about ensuring everyone has the opportunity to learn, regardless of their background, then the only thing they need to review is Labour's manifesto.

As the Tories know, the problem with setting yourself up as a shining example for others to follow is that when you get caught out, that proverbial substance really hits the fan.

I would like Leveson Part Two. I think Leveson was a good exercise. That is why the Tories blocked it, because it was beginning to develop more accountability within the media itself.

The Tories will do everything they can to squash anything threatening to them and I think the involvement of young people in politics is threatening to them and we just don't really care.

Somehow the Tories have deflected the righteous anger at the bankers who we bailed out. The Tories manage to take that outrage and direct it at benefit claimants. It's genius. Evil genius.

Some of the Tories say, 'She left school at 16, she doesn't have a university degree, what does she know about education?' I say, I may not have a degree - but I have a Masters in real life.

The Tories' favoured trade deals post-Brexit are likely to make regional inequality worse, by focusing on the best deal for the City of London at the expense of smaller firms across the country.

Senior Tories have exhibited a brand of entitled arrogance that implies that they own Brexit. It seems that anyone else who claims its mantle can be pushed to one side. And that includes voters.

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