Hubert Humphrey talks so fast that listening to him is like trying to ...

Hubert Humphrey talks so fast that listening to him is like trying to read Playboy magazine with your wife turning the pages.

Stupidity talks, vanity acts.

Prose talks and poetry sings.

Money talks at the end of the day.

I love documentaries and TED talks.

Everybody talks smack during games.

He who talks much cannot talk well.

The more money the louder it talks.

Someday' talks about a dream of mine.

He who talks more is sooner exhausted.

Any time the president talks, you listen.

A gentleman never talks about his tailor.

Money talks; there's no question about it.

We report the news. Fox talks about the news.

I don't know how to handle all the trade talks.

What is art? Art talks about life; it's subversive.

I made lots of talks and challenged lots of people.

When Kobe talks, I shut up and stay out of his way.

Donald Trump talks about everyone behind their backs.

I'm a football player, you know? My film talks for me.

You don't talk to Richard Petty unless he talks to you.

The moment a man talks to his fellows he begins to lie.

Condi Rice talks tough but she cannot be tough herself.

Bore, n. A person who talks when you wish him to listen.

The only person really at risk at any of my talks is me.

There's nothing in the Bible that talks about retirement.

A professor is someone who talks in someone else's sleep.

I listen to a lot of TED talks and motivational speakers.

This film 'Hero' talks about the peace of Chinese people.

Usually, when I give talks, I'm 100% there, 100% present.

'In Another Time' talks about our addiction to technology.

I have always liked to have face-to-face talks with my bosses.

The road to the Paris climate talks has been paved across decades.

I'm not a guy who always complains or talks about getting carries.

I'm tired of high policy talks. I want to focus on nuts and bolts.

We call upon all sides to stop hostilities and restart peace talks.

No stranger ever comes up and talks to me. I'm the invisible woman.

Let's face it: Russell Crowe is fat and no one ever talks about it.

The SNP talks a lot - but they have proved that they cannot deliver.

When I talk to Steve Martin, he's joyful when he talks about comedy.

Nobody ever talks about the mean things that girls do to each other.

It's always that time of year around January where trade talks come.

Blessed is he who talks in circles, for he shall become a big wheel.

That money talks, I'll not deny, I heard it once: It said, 'Goodbye'.

I think, with music, I'm a lyricist who talks about real life things.

Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.

When a writer talks about his work, he's talking about a love affair.

On television, everyone talks and they don't care about the mechanics.

When I go to colleges for talks, I encourage the students to drop out.

I happen to like Precisionism. It talks to me because I collect Cubism.

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