The objects of the present life fill the human eye with a false magnification because of their immediacy.

The computer can do a much better job than the human eye, as it is much more systematic in analysing tissues.

If technology can remove some of the labour-intensive tasks where the computer can do better than the human eye; that helps.

Your camera is the best critic there is. Critics never see as much as the camera does. It is more perceptive than the human eye.

At Oculus, we're now looking at eye specialists, people who really understand how the human eye works, and how that affects human emotion.

We found a way to make things look great to the human eye through the window of a graphical web browser without worrying about what everything looked like under the hood.

What a wonderful phenomenon it is, carefully considered, when the human eye, that jewel of organic structures, concentrates its moist brilliance on another human creature!

The human eye uses the eyebrow as an anchor point for the rest of the face. This is why a woman can look truly stunning without any makeup but perfectly shaped, full eyebrows.

I began to realise that film sees the world differently than the human eye, and that sometimes those differences can make a photograph more powerful than what you actually observed.

The human eye has long fascinated lovers, artists and physicians. The ancient Greeks dissected eyes, but struggled to understand how they worked, unclear as to whether they received or emanated light.

I love, and I've always loved, contained sci-fi films that utilize practical effects. I feel like the human eye can tell when something is actually in the frame and when it was inserted digitally later.

Not until the human heart is stolid to poetry, the human eye blind to beauty, not until the intellect ceases its quest for truth and conscience finds its quietus either in universal defeat or in triumphant success, will organized religion cease to be.

In the entertainment industry, there is this fear of getting older, because we have high definition television now, and you can see things that the human eye can't even pick up. But the good thing about standup is that the older you get, the funnier you get.

It doesn't take a lot of research to realize that the human eye is drawn to attractive things. So the better looking your LinkedIn profile is - meaning professional and complete - the more qualified you'll appear to your audience and the more interested people will be to check out your site.

The first autonomous cars date back to the late 20th century. But recent increases in sophistication and reductions in cost - reflected, for example, in cheap LIDAR systems, which can 'see' a street in 3D in a way similar to that of the human eye - are now bringing autonomous cars closer to the market.

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