Being in jail, it's humbled me in a way I never imagined.

I had never seen anyone edit the way that I edit before I did it, and it's just what felt right to me.

Anyway, I've never been captain in 16 years in the NHL. But that didn't stop me being a leader in my own way.

You've never seen anyone shoot it like me. It comes off the left side. I don't know. I don't know. It still spins the right way.

The brutalization of humans by other humans never fails to get to me in some angry-making way. It shot up in me like an explosion.

High-level, big-deal publicity has a way of getting old for me, but what never fails to thrill me is when I make personal appearances.

On two occasions, utility executives I'd never met had looked at me and said, 'I thought you'd be bigger!' In a way, I took that as a compliment!

The most famous rumor for me is that I had throat cancer. I never had throat cancer... I don't know why that started... The way I sing, probably.

I said, going into acting, 'I'm never moving to L.A.,' because it scared me. But there was no way you could build an acting career in Orange County.

It took me 14 years to write poems about Vietnam. I had never thought about writing about it, and in a way I had been systematically writing around it.

For me, I never really understood why certain lines had to be crossed in order to get a point across. There's a PG way to say everything, in my opinion.

I never staged a coup. They picked me up. Like I say, they forced me to become premier, maybe hoping that by that way, they send me to the electric chair.

I really never saw an obstacle for me in taking leadership positions because, in a very ridiculous way, I thought, 'If Mary Robinson can do it then why can't I?'

In some mysterious way woods have never seemed to me to be static things. In physical terms, I move through them; yet in metaphysical ones, they seem to move through me.

Generally, Hollywood makes the same stories over and over. I've never wanted to do the same thing twice. If a script doesn't surprise me in some way, I simply can't commit to the project.

I think I felt compelled in a way because if I hadn't written the part, I never would have been offered the part. There are at least 10 guys who would have been offered the part before me.

Mustafa Ali has never beaten me in any way, shape or form. Singles match or tag team match, Ali has never beaten me, so that's part of why I'm so excited that he's decided to join Retribution.

As an actor, I just made the most of the opportunities that came my way and I owe it to my directors for having given me characters with substance, as I have never gone around asking for a role.

I knew I was Chinese, but growing up, it never occurred to me that that had any particular implication or that it should differentiate me in any way. I thought it was a minor detail, like having red hair.

The hardest thing is that I never do anything the same way twice, and when I'm on the air, I'm very unscripted, and I'm very comfortable in that role. So me being scripted is not a comfortable place for me.

'Tommy' was the first show I ever saw on Broadway. I was 14. It wasn't 'the show' that started that flame in me or anything, but it did excite me in a way no other show had. I'd never seen a show so brilliantly cast and directed.

The curious thing about the Ready-Made is that I've never been able to arrive at a definition or explanation that fully satisfies me. There's still magic in the idea, so I'd rather keep it that way than try to be exoteric about it.

In August of 2011, Steve Jobs, the tech icon who disrupted a string of traditional industries, called me and told me he thought he'd figured out a way to revolutionize TV. He invited me to come see it at Apple in a few months, but he died just six weeks later, and that meeting never came to pass.

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