I try to stay focused.

Aim higher. Stay focused.

Stay focused on the mission.

Have faith in God. Stay focused.

I try to stay focused on my creativity.

I know how to stay focused on a mission.

We have to stay focused on every possession.

Always stay focused. Always give and try your best.

I've just got to keep a balanced head and stay focused.

Never give up your dreams and stay focused on your passions.

You have to stay focused. You cannot take your eye of your goal

I just try to stay focused and show the goodness in me to people.

Unless you stay focused on innovation, you can be disintermediated.

Follow your deepest dream, the one you had as a kidbut stay focused.

Stay focused, go after your dreams and keep moving toward your goals.

I just have to stay focused and play football with a smile on my face.

Stay focused. Your start does not determine how you're going to finish.

Follow your deepest dream, the one you had as a kid... but stay focused.

My key to dealing with stress is simple: just stay cool and stay focused.

It's about the production of the work. I need my workers to stay focused.

You have to stay in the moment. Stay focused. Know what you're going to do.

The best career advice I've gotten is to stay focused, keep moving forward.

I always want to stay focused on who I am, even as I'm discovering who I am.

In business, staying focused requires that you turn most opportunities down.

It's always fun to go home and play, but you gotta stay focused on the game.

As long as you get your education and you stay focused, you can do anything.

Follow your goals and stay focused, because you really don't have much time.

If this company is about anything, it's about discipline and staying focused.

Everyone wants to look to the future and into the past. I stay focused on now.

I like to be organized, I like to stick to my schedule. That's how I stay focused.

If I train well and stay focused, I'm confident I can deliver when the time comes.

We must stay focused on the bilateral negotiations between the Palestinians and us.

Stay focused, ignore the distractions, and you will accomplish your goals much faster.

Stay focused when you're playing alive, so you're not distracted by something going on.

I listen to music before my competitions to get me pumped up. It helps me stay focused.

I try to stay focused on my life and do try not to be brought into the Hollywood fantasy.

In the race of faith, stay focused upon Christ, not the other runners, nor the spectators.

I don't really try to take notice of all the media. I just try to stay focused on my game.

I realize that just my personality is, that I've gotta stay focused. I can't be too distracted.

I'm just looking to learn, grow, stay focused, and become a better fighter and a better athlete.

I think Republicans really need to be disciplined, to stay focused on sustained economic growth.

We've got to be right mentally - to stay focused and not get carried away if results go our way.

This air we breathe is precious, and the glaciers helped me understand that and stay focused on that.

I'm going to stay in the gym, stay watching film, stay focused, stay being an all around professional.

No matter the situation, I stay focused and motivated on my goals because that's the way I was raised.

Kink isn't a crime; conspiring with a foreign power to commit espionage, fix election is. Stay focused.

Don't let this music industry or any industry come between friendship. Just stay focused on your goals.

Sometimes things might not go as you want them to, but you have to stay focused and fully concentrated.

I'm very task-oriented. The idea of constantly pursuing something with purpose helps me to stay focused.

On the pitch, I need to stay focused, alert, and be ready to face my heart-racing moment with confidence.

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