If people want to find things, they find them themselves.

I want to literally make people smarter by jamming things in their brains.

I like wearing things that other people wouldn't want to wear, to be a bit edgy.

I just want to make things that people want to buy. I have no confusion about this.

You can't convince people of certain things. You let them think what they want to think.

Most people seek after what they do not possess and are enslaved by the very things they want to acquire.

Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like.

I think a lot of people on Twitter say, 'Oh you're really cute. I want to adopt you,' and things like that, yeah.

There are some things that other people just don't want to forgive you for. For instance, Woody Allen and Soon-Yi.

With the super-wealthy, I think what a lot of them want isn't things, it's experiences. Preferably ones that few people can have.

We are in Europe, and we want a Europe that does few things and does them well, one that recognizes people's identities, languages, etc.

Not too many people out there are interested in Russia so much that they really want to watch things about Russia and only about Russia.

People are impatient. They want things to happen overnight, and have no idea of the circumstances and situations that can surround an individual at times.

This is just a personal thought, but there's a lot of things that people can't do because of COVID-19. I think that it would be nice to write or express the first thing we want to do after COVID-19 ends.

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