Oh, I love reality shows.

The original reality show.

I do watch singing reality shows.

I would never be on a reality show.

I enjoy watching those reality shows.

I would love to do more reality shows.

I made a rule not to be on reality shows.

I hate reality shows that are not reality.

I don't think I am cut out for reality shows.

Reality shows can put a lot of stress on you.

I always watched reality shows with scepticism.

Reality shows always look for the worst people.

Reality shows aren't for overly educated people.

I love reality shows, and I love talking about them.

Reality shows have caused fatigue amongst the public.

Mostly, what I watch are reality shows and documentaries.

Many reality shows have failed because everyone's acting.

Reality shows serve up juicy drama out of human shortcomings.

I have got lots of offers from networks for more reality shows.

Reality shows are a lot of fun, especially dance reality shows.

Reality shows have a lot to answer for. They applaud mediocrity.

I am not really keen on doing reality shows. But you never know.

How many reality shows can you watch? They're so obviously phony.

You have to remember that reality shows capture your worst moments.

I'm not really into reality shows. 'Nip Tuck' is my favorite TV show.

I like physically-demanding reality shows, not dance and music shows.

Reality shows help us create a balance between our real and reel side.

The best part about reality shows is that they make you a well known name.

I watch way too many VH1 reality shows like 'I Love Money' and 'Tough Love.'

I like to watch all those shows that shouldn't be on the air - reality shows.

For better or worse, in the 21st century, reality shows are the variety show.

I didn't necessarily set out to think of a show to make fun of reality shows.

I love, love, love the reality shows on Bravo. It's great mindless television.

I was a good dancer from my school days, and that's why I entered reality shows.

Reality shows make you more bold and you learn new skills like dancing, anchoring.

I host reality shows; the last thing I ever wanted to do was be a contestant on one.

When I was younger, people kept making offers for different reality shows and stuff.

I definitely watch reality shows where I'm not learning something better in the end.

Music reality shows are a good thing, especially for those seeking a career in music.

I was never interested in reality shows or dance shows, as they have become so common.

We have got offered some shows in America, but really dopey shows - like reality shows.

If there's room for 30 reality shows, surely there's room for two amazing costume dramas.

I am ashamed to admit I watch a lot of reality shows like The Osbournes and The Bachelor.

If reality shows are so popular, that means their viewers are screaming for more realness.

I will think of doing television only when I'll be looking forward to doing reality shows.

I'm not chasing reality shows. Viewers want to see me and producers want me on their shows.

Now we've gotten accustomed to reality shows where the goal is to see people acting foolish.

If you are strong enough as a couple, reality shows can be a good thing for the relationship.

All great reality shows have a very, very similar format. That's why it was so easy to parody.

I got offered loads of reality shows, including 'I'm A Celebrity' and 'Celebrity Big Brother.'

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