Verbing weirds language.

Words have a longer life than deeds.

In English every word can be verbed.

I was also in love with the English language.

I love the English language. Words have power.

Englishmen must learn to be Brahmins, not banias.

Regret; The saddest word in the English language.

The English language is nobody's special property.

If only…the saddest words in the English language.

Duty is the sublimest work in the English language.

They had nothing in common but the English language.

When the English language gets in my way, I walk over it.

The English language is not always the President's friend.

English, no longer an English language, now grows from many roots.

There is the English language and then there's the Trump language.

The most beautiful words in the English language are 'not guilty'.

Drawing on my fine command of the English language, I said nothing.

My least favorite phrase in the English language is 'I don't care.'

An Englishman is content to say nothing when he has nothing to say.

I've always loved the English language. I just like words, you know?

It is terrible to see someone being beaten up by the English language.

The N-word is one of the most contentious words in the English language.

When it comes to love, the English language bears no shortage of cliches.

I love to laugh, it's my main thing. I love to abuse the English language.

Christopher Hitchens is the greatest living essayist in the English language.

The three most dreaded words in the English language are 'negative cash flow'.

The Divinity could be invoked as well in the English language as in the French.

I'd love to do something like 'A Canterbury Tale,' because I love the English language.

No' is the second shortest word in the English language, but one of the hardest to say.

'No' is the second shortest word in the English language, but one of the hardest to say.

If the word 'No' was removed from the English language, Ian Paisley would be speechless.

The English language is so elastic that you can find another word to say the same thing.

Speaking of Sir Winston Churchill: He mobilized the English language and sent it into battle.

I definitely wish to distinguish American poetry from British or other English language poetry.

Between 1910 and 1950 approximately 350 lives of Jesus were published in the English language alone.

The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.

Shakespeare's taught me that there are more words in the English language than I have got in my head.

I'm keen on making English language movies. English is still the global language and we can't change that.

English is capable of defining sentiments that the human nervous system is quite incapable of experiencing.

If the English language made any sense, lackadaisical would have something to do with a shortage of flowers.

I've made a dog's breakfast of English history, geography, 'King Lear,' and the English language in general.

I haven't had any formal education. Through the grace of god, I am gifted in mathematics and the English language.

The canker has so eaten into the society that in many cases the only meaning of education is a knowledge of English.

'I am' is reportedly the shortest sentence in the English language. Could it be that 'I do' is the longest sentence?

Summer afternoon, summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.

Two of the saddest words in the English language are, 'What party?' And L.A. is the 'What party?' capital of the world.

English is like music. The English language is really fit for singing. The notes match the feelings, and it makes sense.

My love of reading and the English language is something given to me by my parents, and I've passed it on to my children.

George Orwell once blamed the demise of the English language on politics. It's quite possible he never read a prospectus.

I really want to adopt a child... I want to be called 'Mom.' It really is the most beautiful word in the English language.

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