WWE presents me with unlimited opportunities and possibilities. No dream seems unachievable.

The issue of spiritual power is to meet the limited mortal circumstance with unlimited thought.

When you coordinate your mind and body, you have unlimited access to the wisdom of the universe.

We all have been given equal screen space in 'Hoichoi Unlimited.' We had great fun in Uzbekistan.

Your ability to think is unlimited, and so the things you can think into existence are unlimited.

We have the Second Amendment, but no privilege or right under the U.S. Constitution is unlimited.

The myth of unlimited production brings war in its train as inevitably as clouds announce a storm.

My quarrel is not with the legitimate role of government but with the unlimited role of government.

It is my absolute belief that Indians have unlimited talent. I have no doubt about our capabilities.

The master is presence. The world is relativity and relativity has limitations. Presence is unlimited.

There is not a power in Europe, no not even Bonaparte's that is so unlimited [as the British monarchy].

There is safety in small beginnings and there is unlimited capital in the experience gained by growing.

A lynch mob is [unlimited] Majority Rule stripped of its fancy trappings and its facade of respectability.

I don't believe that, with the click of a mouse, you should be able to buy unlimited amounts of ammunition.

Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of husbands. Remember all men would be tyrants if they could.

The idea of allowing corporations to have unlimited influence on our democracy is very dangerous, obviously.

In order to secure our unlimited future, we need a leader who understands the moral case for free enterprise.

Our most valuable resources - creativity, communication, invention, and reinvention - are, in fact, unlimited.

When the creative mind is unleashed and understands its true nature, it's unlimited. There's nothing you cannot do.

I would like all French children to have unlimited opportunities opened up for them as French minister of education.

Tennis is a small window. You're not going to have unlimited chances, unlimited opportunities. You can't waste time.

I have both held and beheld unlimited power and of it I know but one thing. It drives men mad.' - Alexander the Great

Parliament will train you to talk; and above all things to hear, with patience, unlimited quantities of foolish talk.

I have never restricted myself to my strengths and abilities, as they are unlimited, and I am still discovering them.

Iran has to live up to its international obligations. . . . The president has said that our patience is not unlimited.

What we have been is an established and unchangeable fact. What we can yet become is an unlimited, boundless opportunity.

We need to end unlimited, unaccountable money for all political parties by passing comprehensive campaign finance reform.

A whole people with the ballot in their hands possess the most conclusive and unlimited power ever entrusted to humanity.

It doesn't matter what product or service you're offering; there is unlimited ability to improve the quality of anything.

God's greatest gift to you is your unlimited potential. Your greatest gift to God is to use that potential to the fullest.

Our happiness consists in sharing the happiness of God, the perfection of His unlimited freedom, the perfection of His love.

Do not lose power over the what-ifs of your life. These are unlimited and endless. Keep your power in the now, in present time.

There came into the world an unlimited abundance of everything people need. But people need everything except unlimited abundance.

I only wish that ordinary people had an unlimited capacity for doing harm; then they might have an unlimited power for doing good.

I think, as an entrepreneur, you have to see the unlimited amount of potential but concentrate on your day and just keep building.

I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.

The unlimited amount of information that I have access to has also given me an unlimited threshold for how I need to be stimulated.

Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who posses it; and this I know, my lords: that where law ends, tyranny begins.

Greatness is not manifested by unlimited pragmatism, which places such a high premium on the end justifying any means and any methods.

The right kind of immigrants can benefit the British economy enormously, but no country can accept indiscriminate, unlimited immigration.

The world I describe is about how people live now. It's not about zany people with unlimited, inexplicable funds in an apartment somewhere.

The really great writers are people like Emily Brontë who sit in a room and write out of their limited experience and unlimited imagination.

Users get unlimited 'WhatsApp'. We get happy users who don't have to worry about data. Carriers get people willing to sign up for data plans.

The adjustment of reality to the masses and of the masses to reality is a process of unlimited scope, as much for thinking as for perception.

Power will intoxicate the best hearts, as wine the strongest heads. No man is wise enough, nor good enough to be trusted with unlimited power.

Mind is consciousness which has put on limitations. You are originally unlimited and perfect. Later you take on limitations and become the mind.

If Republicans want to defend the rights of corporations and billionaires to spend unlimited, secret money in campaigns, then they should say so.

There is nothing more corrupting, nothing more destructive of the noblest and finest feelings of our nature, than the exercise of unlimited power.

Unlimited choice is paralyzing. The Internet has made this form of paralysis due to option overload a standard feature of comfortable modern life.

I support an equal playing field for plaintiffs and defendants - and the way to get that equal playing field is not by having unlimited discovery.

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