I just put drugs down to luck. I persevere quite honestly, and I've got a fair amount of discipline that keeps me out of deep water.

The public, obviously, they takes things in a very simplest fashion and so they should. That's why we have such wonderful television.

Rebel, rebel, you've torn your dress. Rebel, rebel, your face is a mess. Rebel, rebel, how could they know? Hot tramp, I love you so.

I'm regarded quite asexually by a lot of people. And the people that understand me the best are nearer to what I understand about me.

Elvis was a major hero of mine. I was probably stupid enough to believe that having the same birthday as him actually meant something.

All my big mistakes are when I try to second-guess or please an audience. My work is always stronger when I get very selfish about it.

The younger people get into the lyrics in a different way; there's much more of a tactile understanding, which is the way I prefer it.

I feel confident imposing change on myself. It's a lot more fun progressing than looking back. That's why I need to throw curve balls.

Confront a corpse at least once. The absolute absence of life is the most disturbing and challenging confrontation you will ever have.

On the other hand, what I like my music to do to me is awaken the ghosts inside of me. Not the demons, you understand, but the ghosts.

I am a moderately good singer. I am not a great singer but I can interpret a song, which I don't think is quite the same as singing it.

Once I've written something it does tend to run away from me. I don't seem to have any part of it - it's no longer my piece of writing.

You can begin really looking for a relationship . . . when you can (appreciate) the whole concept of giving to someone, not just taking.

The only real failure is trying to second-guess the taste of an audience. Nothing comes out of that except a kind of inward humiliation.

[David] Bowie went on to make best-selling music - funk, dance music, electronic music, while also being influenced by cabaret and jazz.

Love is every type of relationship that you think of... I'm sure it means relationship, every type of relationship that you can think of.

It's true - I am a bisexual. But I can't deny that I've used that fact very well. I suppose it's the best thing that ever happened to me.

People got extremely comfortable with being able to turn on their television and see MTV say, "This guy's hot you should buy this record."

In fact, everything I do is about the conceptualizing and realization of a piece of work, whether it's the recording or the performance side.

The coming together of people I find obscene as a principle. It is not human. It is not a natural thing as some people would have us believe.

Age doesn't bother me. So many of my heroes were older guys. It's the lack of years left that weighs far heavier on me than the age that I am.

People who had been treated inhumanly, not given a chance to secure any foot on any ladder - and all the social mores were suddenly abandoned.

Lou Reed is the most important definitive writer in modern rock. Not because of the stuff that he does, but the direction that he will take it.

I want people to hear musicians like Joe Cuba. He has done things to whole masses of Puerto Rican people. The music is fantastic and important.

I think that the history of rock could be recycled in a different way and brought back into focus without the luggage that comes along with it.

When you are an artist you can turn your hand to anything, in any style. Once you have the tools then all the artforms are the same in the end.

Being shoved into the top-40 scene was an unusual experience. It was great I'd become accessible to a huge audience but not terribly fulfilling.

I'm not sure that an art career would have any benefit for me; I'm not sure it's what I want. I don't think I want to be a designer-rock artist.

If I had a talent, it was for looking askew at everything, possibly more than my contemporaries. But I had to really push myself to be a writer.

Keep your 'lectric eye on me babe Put your ray gun to my head Press your space face close to mine, love Freak out in a moonage daydream, oh yeah!

I was very into making the Big Artistic Statement - it had to be innovative; it had to be cutting edge. I was desperately keen on being original.

The skin of my character in 'The Man Who Fell to Earth' was some concoction, a spermatozoon of an alien nature that was obscene and weird-looking.

All art is unstable. Its meaning is not necessarily that implied by the author. There is no authoritative voice. There are only multiple readings.

I don't like to read things that people write about me. I'd rather read what kids have to say about me because it's not their profession to do that.

I don't like to read things that people write about me. I'd rather read what kids have to say about me, because it's not their profession to do that.

I don't expect the human race to progress in too many areas. However, having a child with an ear infection makes one hugely grateful for antibiotics.

In order to look special wearing the chancy unique; it must be worn with your persona, and if the two don't blend, then the look becomes pear-shaped.

I just tried everything out - I mean, everything. Even my sexual orientation; I was just searching for what I really wanted. And I didn't quite know.

I've learned to relax and be my present age and my present position. I feel comfortable on my mid-thirties. It doesn't seem such an alien place to be.

But I've got to think of myself as the luckiest guy. Robert Johnson only had one album's worth of work as his legacy. That's all that life allowed him.

Frankly, I mean, sometimes the interpretations I've seen on some of the songs that I've written are a lot more interesting than the input that I put in.

With a suit, always wear big British shoes, the ones with large welts. There's nothing worse than dainty little Italian jobs at the end of the leg line.

Being a hybrid maker off and on over the years, I'm very comfortable with the idea and have been the subject of quite a few pretty good mash-ups myself.

I don't profess to have music as my big wheel and there are a number of other things as important to me apart from music. Theatre and mime, for instance.

The only time that I've adopted characterization again since that point, for my own albums, has been an album called "Outside" that I did with Brian Eno.

I thought that I could do some kind of vehicle involving rock musicals and presenting rock and characters and storyline in a completely different fashion.

I don't like people probing into my life, so I reveal as little as possible or lie about it as much as need be so as to give them something to write about.

And these children that you spit on as they try to change their worlds are immune to your consultations. They're quite aware of what they're going through.

I couldn't have written things like 'Low' and 'Heroes,' those particular albums, if it hadn't have been for Berlin and the kind of atmosphere I felt there.

Rock has always been the devil's music... I believe that rock & roll is dangerous... I feel that we're only heralding something even darker than ourselves.

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