How Instinct varies in the grov'ling swine.

Cities vary widely in the use of DNA testing.

Every role varies greatly, just as emotions vary greatly.

As our acts vary, our habits will follow in their course.

Kirmizi biber has a sweet aroma and can vary in spiciness.

My opinion of my whole experience varies from time to time.

He who would tell divers tales must know how to vary the tune.

Vary the pace... is one of the foundations of all good acting.

Identify your weaknesses, vary your training cycles, reevaluate and repeat.

The state of minds vary according to the angle under which one examines them.

I think theater is more about living and breathing, versus TV, which can vary.

I need to vary up my game, and I'm working on that. I know I need to get better.

As someone who makes his living as an actor, my routine varies almost every day.

Brains, you see, vary a lot from person to person - they vary as much as faces do.

I like to vary my workouts as doing just one thing gets monotonous and I get bored.

As I've gotten older, I've come to realize how important it is to vary your workouts.

The song of canaries Never varies, And when they're moulting They're pretty revolting.

Human societies vary in lots of independent factors affecting their openness to innovation.

Of course, individuals vary greatly within each racial group and should be treated as such.

It is good to vary in order that you may frustrate the curious, especially those who envy you.

Our skin colours may vary, but what's upstairs - there's certain things we've all got in common.

Writers' bedtimes vary, but few have been spared the shock of a copy editor's early wake-up call.

But the idea that I should be a teacher and a researcher of some sort did not vary over the years.

Fashion should be genderless; how people perceive the idea of beauty can vary from one to another.

But it's for every writer to decide his own pace, and the pace varies with the writer and the work

I stick to what got me here and what I know best. That's the same routine. I'm not going to vary it.

Evidence can vary depending on the circumstances, the weather, and how long it has been hanging around.

People vary. You change your style, your hair, and the way you dress. Talking differently will be a part of that.

A vest, as a clothing item, always makes a statement, but depending on context, those declarations vary a great deal.

Although individual temperaments vary, boys are designed to be more assertive, audacious, and excitable than girls are.

Often audiences vary... but I've always found Milwaukee to be a fabulous place to play with great audiences and very hip.

I would never leave the house before choosing an outfit and doing my hair - the results may vary, but I cannot do otherwise.

I've never met a person who doesn't like music, and we may vary in what styles we like, but everybody likes some form of music.

Edgbaston is a ground where you have to think on your feet because it can vary so much from season to season or session to session.

Sometimes I go through a yoga phase or a spinning phase, but I try to vary my workouts so my body doesn't get used to any one thing.

My research process doesn't vary much. I do a little reading to establish a timeline and decide how I'm going to approach the story.

These will vary in every human being; but knowledge is the same for every mind, and every mind may and ought to be trained to receive it.

When I was on the air a lot my throat and vocal chords got tired. If you don't vary your tones you can't get pretty tired of your own voice.

If you ask two people to remember a specific event, the stories are going to vary wildly because we always make ourselves out to be the hero.

I enter my studio at 9 a.m. I have lunch here, I return right away to my work and I go out to dinner at 8 p.m. My daily tasks vary very much.

The one thing I have discovered is that we all have challenges; the challenges vary, but our response to the challenges makes us people we are.

Among all the vicissitudes of life, which vary in each individual's experience, there is one event which sooner or later comes to everyone - Death!

If you look at my body of work, my characters drastically vary, and so I typically don't play the same role. It makes me feel reborn with each role.

I like the power and versatility of a big band and how an orchestra can vary the dynamics from very loud to very quiet, and SNJO covers those bases.

Although the detail of our sexual energies and their objects and objectives vastly vary, the existence of our sexuality itself is an undeniable truth.

While love stories at the end of the day, honestly speaking, do not vary a lot in their plots, it is their treatment that separates one from the other.

When you get a full night's sleep, which can vary from 7 to 9 hours for different individuals, it's been proven that all aspects of performance increase.

Crime is terribly revealing. Try and vary your methods as you will, your tastes, your habits, your attitude of mind, and your soul is revealed by your actions.

The fashions of the ages vary in this direction and that, but they vary for the most part from a central road which was struck out by the imagination of Greece.

As a producer, what you want to do is make the next hit. But you also want to lead the audience into wanting to watch different movies. You have to vary your content.

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