I find most 'sacred music' pretty dismal.

Writers are storytellers. So are readers.

Russian government attacked our election.

I'm proud to be Martha Stewart's daughter.

It's an excellent movie. Really excellent.

Nancy Reagan fell down and broke her hair.

Bill Clinton is not my Commander in Chief.

Bill Clinton is not my commander-in-chief.

I'm hopeless by e-mail, by phone, by text.

I always wanted to live in a haunted house.

You gotta score to put points on the board.

I'm trusting in the Lord and a good lawyer.

See what I have to put up with every night?

I'm happy to be everybody's gay best friend.

The white establishment is now the minority.

They advertise on the radio for food stamps!

I know what it feels like to be a gun lover.

I always enjoy seeing Adam [Savage] in pain.

I'm a little suspicious of using microwaves.

He's so fat, he can be his own running mate.

I grew up with a glue gun pointed at my head.

There's nothing I don't love about 'Mad Men.'

One day I would like to have my own art show.

Tim Lewis is great, he's a great coordinator.

I was authorized to do everything that I did.

I hate when people use my tactics against me.

I didn't have a role model when I was younger.

I love Jimmy Fallon; he's always a great time.

The chief al Qaeda recruiting tool is the net.

I have a long list of things that make me mad.

A grown man, weeping, is a tough thing to see.

I get a kick out of people saying I was funny.

We're more effective than birth control pills.

I'm a sarcastic person. I learn through humor.

You are capable of more than you ever thought.

Can we pray for the reelection of George Bush?

Amy Sedaris makes me laugh harder than anybody.

I do need my independence. I have to have that.

My life is better with every year of living it.

I recommend sports, I don't recommend gambling.

Can we pray for the re-election of George Bush?

I love divas. Madonna, Mariah, Beyonce, Britney.

Each disaster became a steppingstone for growth.

I'm not a sociable person. I don't like to talk.

Well, I've been a fan of videogames all my life.

I'm very pleased how my children have turned out.

I'll be happy if I can just stay out of Nebraska.

Meryl Streep belongs on anybody's list of greats.

President Reagan didn't always know what he knew.

Notre Dame had a ... sorta... statistical defense.

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