Committing yourself to one person is sacred.

Never attempt to murder a man who is committing suicide.

Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it.

Committing unnecessary surgeries is very, very rare. And it's very wrong.

A lot of people told me that I'm committing musical suicide with my sound.

Ultimately, as an actor, it comes down to committing to the text in the script.

If you tie a man's hands there is nothing moral about his not committing murder.

I think you only learn what kind of personality you have by committing to things.

Disruption starts with committing to excellence and taking a stand for your customer.

I love thinking about the film, the project and committing myself as much as possible.

I did tests on small stones before collecting and committing myself to the larger ones.

Those who are incapable of committing great crimes do not readily suspect them in others.

When you commit to a WWE contract, you're committing to some serious time away from home.

Jesus died to forgive our sins. Dare we make his martyrdom meaningless by not committing them?

It is better to be defeated standing for a high principle than to run by committing subterfuge.

The planet does nothing but support us, and we are constantly committing crimes against nature.

Those who 'abjure' violence can do so only because others are committing violence on their behalf.

Sometimes the hardest thing about committing the perfect crime can be keeping your genius to yourself.

And the thing is, every time you start a new show or do a new series, you're committing to another six years.

I like communicating and being open and committing. That, for me, has always been something that I like to do.

Sometimes doing a movie for a short period of time is better than committing eight months to a television show.

When you see a 'Shark fight' erupt, we aggressively want to understand what we are committing our money toward.

When we're in the studio, and we sing that first note on that record, you're committing to being a Backstreet Boy!

Denial of childhood and denial of freedom are the biggest sins which humankind has been committing and perpetuating for ages.

Government leaders should get up to speed on the blockchain by understanding it first and committing to exploring its potential.

It isn't always easy to stay within budget when committing to a renovation, but one place you can cut costs is on the demolition.

But last summer I signed a contract extension and that was me committing my future to Fulham. I live around here, I'm settled. I love it.

There is no actual need to tighten voter ID rules: there have been extraordinarily few instances of people committing fraud at the polls.

I was born to a dad who was born in the South Bronx while the Bronx was burning, while landlords were committing arson to their own buildings.

Committing genocide on behalf of an institution generates greater loyalty to it than merely getting people fired from their jobs on its behalf.

When someone isn't ready we must not try to force them out. People are being bullied and committing suicide because they're gay and it's horrible.

You can satisfy your soul's mission by committing to leaving something behind on this planet that will make a difference to those who come after you.

A sense of humor keen enough to show a man his own absurdities will keep him from the commission of all sins, or nearly all, save those worth committing.

Cops and robbers resemble each other, so there's not a lot to learn in terms of learning the logistics of committing the crime or investigating the crime.

It will be up to Congress to check the president's ambition of committing the U.S. to an international green scheme that will produce little or no return.

Although I did end up trying out several different fields before committing to acting, I knew in the deepest part of heart that I wanted to be an actress.

I hate committing myself to anything. It's probably the lack of discipline, honestly. I'm probably a spoiled brat worried about getting my way every time.

The critics never see my role as it is - as a man protecting his garden killing poisonous snakes. Instead, they say it's just me again committing violence.

It's fantastic for Arsenal, and for English football as well. You've got an English club with a lot of young English talent committing themselves to a club.

I am against discrimination of any kind, but if I make snap judgments, no matter who it's towards, aren't I committing the same sin as someone who profiles?

Let us begin by committing ourselves to the truth to see it like it is, and tell it like it is, to find the truth, to speak the truth, and to live the truth.

If you want to eat well and be healthy, there are so many different options now, and you can make a big difference even if it's committing to just one thing.

It's not just the right-wing crazies who oppose health reform. In addition, there are many sane Americans who worry about committing a trillion dollars to it.

Locking people up without reducing the risk of them committing new crimes against new victims the minute they get out does not make for intelligent sentencing.

Saddam Hussein has been brutal against his people, but when he was committing those crimes, the international community did not come to the rescue of the Iraqis.

I'm just always learning lines. I've learned to flag the really crucial scenes, and I start figuring them out and committing them to memory as soon as I get them.

Justice can help reduce sexual violence: bringing to justice those soldiers responsible for sexual violence discourages other soldiers from committing such crimes.

The unique and supreme voluptuousness of love lies in the certainty of committing evil. And men and women know from birth that in evil is found all sensual delight.

For me, music was the only reason I went to school. I was kind of a street kid, in a lot of trouble committing crimes and stuff. Music gave me something to focus on.

I have a really dry sense of humor. I don't think it's funny when people wink at the camera. That's more of an actor thing, just committing to whatever the thing is.

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