Kind pity chokes my spleen.

A tiny fly can choke a big man.

He who eats alone chokes alone.

For me, 'choking' is just another term in golf.

Slipknot sounds like Tre choking on a hairball.

Too much information will make your brain choke.

I believe all teams choke in certain situations.

I tried to swallow his nonsense without choking.

Prayer will consume sin, or sin will choke prayer.

I've seen teammates who wanted to choke each other.

Choke me in the shallow water before I get too deep.

Because nothing is as perfect as you can imagine it.

No, she wasn't losing language. She was choking on it.

If he touches you, I'll come in and choke him to death.

By the time you're thirty, your worst enemy is yourself.

When your rage is choking you, it is best to say nothing.

Sublime is something you choke on after a shot of tequila.

For this beauty, beauty without strength, chokes out life.

Come on, Kaylee, before I choke on testosterone and melodrama.

Art is like breathing for me. If I don't do it, I start to choke.

I've been choking to death for years. By now this should be easy.

Success breeds inequality, and you don't want to choke off success.

I'll keep peace at all cost, even if I choke to death on my tongue.

Hold on with a bulldog grip, and chew and choke as much as possible.

Grief can choke you. It’s dangerous, something else you have to beat.

Everybody has some part of their game that is easily influenced to choke.

It’s not wondering what I breathe in, but who, that threatens to choke me.

We cannot separate the air that chokes from the air upon which wings beat.

The only thing that separates us from the animals... is we have pornography.

Just out of curiosity, can an immortal choke to death on a bagel? (Francesca)

When life gives you lemons... choke on them and die... you stupid lemon eater.

It would be nice to do a movie where I didn't have to choke the girl to get her.

If you want to dry hump someone you don't know, just act like they were choking.

Literature is that which he can not read without pain, without choking on truth.

Companies, however unintentionally, choke the motivation out of their employees.

Suppressed pain chokes us; in our breasts It surges, adding ever to its strength.

I have always been a big fan of Salman... whenever I see him or meet him, I choke.

Bro, how are you going to tap on the neck, on the choke? Go to sleep, man. Be a man.

If someone grabbed me, I'd probably be able to choke them out in about eight seconds.

I need to learn how to start saying no. Like when someone says ‘please stop choking me.’

Everything's a lot tougher when it's for real. That's when you choke. When it's for real.

We can spend our lives letting the world tell us who we are…Or we can decide for ourselves.

Don’t, Cassandra. (Wulf) Oh, please. I just want to choke her for a few minutes. (Cassandra)

You?' is all I can manage to choke out. 'Always me,' she replies softly, bashfully. 'Who else?

She put her hands around the neck of our production manager, and you know, started to choke him.

Freedom is never easily won, but once established, freedom lasts, spreads and chokes out tyranny.

There are people who would rather choke than go see my movies. They write me letters all the time.

I find it difficult to speak in remote places because it is so hot and dusty that I tend to choke.

The global economy is spluttering back into life. The Tories would have left it to choke to death.

Typically, when someone gets a choke on me, I have a pretty strong neck. It's usually hard to choke me.

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