The script is just a blueprint.

Don't be a blueprint. Be an original.

There's not a blueprint for me to follow.

Gang Starr was like the blueprint of my career.

There's no blueprint for success in rock'n'roll.

Everybody that's successful lays a blueprint out.

When you have a blueprint doesn't mean you can't add another room.

An over-reliance on past successes is a sure blueprint for future failures.

I never accepted the idea that I had to be guided by some pattern or blueprint.

Guys do not have a genetic blueprint that allows them to understand or love sports.

Some directors I worked with didn't even know how to read a blueprint, understand a plan.

I really find that with Judaism, it creates an amazing blueprint for family connectivity.

We all write, but the script is a blueprint. We can lose whole scenes when we're shooting.

Ultravox were the blueprint for what I wanted to do, but I stumbled across them by accident.

Chrissie Hynde is the blueprint for any teenage pop star wannabe looking to have some real cred.

The British health care system is a blueprint for the failure of Obamacare, as it is structured.

As the render is to the building, and the blueprint to the machine, so sport is to social existence.

A script can just be a blueprint, and you've got to go in and build it and color it in and paint it.

Our plans protect freedom and opportunity, and our blueprint is the Constitution of the United States.

It's a very organic feeling to have something really speak to you and kind of lay out the blueprint for you.

Being able to go to Kentucky, they had the right blueprint for me to be able to go to the NBA after one year.

I always thought the writing process for movies and TV shows was just a blueprint. The making of it was the thing.

I did not want to provide a blueprint or roadmap for the terrorists, saying 'Here are our new security procedures'.

I believe businesses don't grow or develop in terms of a blueprint. There is a huge element of opportunism involved.

You have to give directors and cinematographers a word blueprint for visuals, but I had to learn that from experience.

The observant Jew has his own sense of values. Torah Judaism is his blueprint for this life, his target for existence.

The world is not to be approached, blueprint in hand, as if it were so much raw material waiting to be fashioned to someone's design.

We must have a blueprint not only for a guided economy but for a social order based on justice and ensuring the well-being of the people.

Writing an adaptation is not so much a collaboration as it is a series of steps. You're basically creating a blueprint for something else.

I always think about the next generation and creating a different blueprint for them. That's my goal: to let them know there's another way.

A screenplay is not a finished product; a novel is. A screenplay is a blueprint for something - for a building that will most likely never be built.

Poetry is this gorgeous, complex history rendered in verse and song, a blueprint that can lead you back into the world after you've walked into air.

There was no blueprint or how-to manual for fixing a global financial meltdown, an auto crisis, two wars and a great recession, all at the same time.

My dad wanted me to go down a more academic route. He is very much about sticking to the rule book and sticking to the blueprint of a successful career.

I used to drink. I didn't like reading, but I discovered the benefits of it. I read that Floyd Mayweather never drinks - and he is the blueprint for boxing.

'Family Life' is a blueprint of my life. It was horrible and physically gruesome in a way the book doesn't attempt to capture. It was emotionally very bleak.

There's no blueprint; getting married doesn't make you boring, having kids doesn't make you boring, having money doesn't necessarily have to make you boring.

A career for me is something like building a bridge. You know, where to put the lifts. You have a plan. I have a blueprint for each film, but not for my life.

Jay-Z was huge. I was like 2 years old throwing up my diamond, rapping. I know all of 'The Blueprint.' I've heard that album 1,000 times. And 'Reasonable Doubt.'

Glory be and praise to God. I didn't do any of this. God did. I don't have a recipe or a blueprint. I prayed for it, and my prayers are continuing to be answered.

A screenplay is really a blueprint for something that will be filmed. Therefore you must always keep in mind that whatever you write is going to be staged, for real.

As an actor, you're tied to the writing. You live and die by what's written for you. And you can elevate that to a certain extent, but really, that's your blueprint.

A script is a unique literary form, because it's not the end product; it's a blueprint. If you're not thinking of that end product, there's going to be a disconnect.

Kobe taught people how to work hard, he taught you how to work hard. He gave you the blueprint of what you should do to be a successful basketball player, and work hard.

Let's fix our roads, and be the state that's not paralyzed by partisanship, but works together. And create the blueprint for rebuilding America's crumbling infrastructure.

I always try to get back to the original source of the song. It's not always there in the sheet music, which is sometimes just a sketchy blueprint of what the song is about.

There's no blueprint for where I should be. I see myself as a young, good actor who still has a lot to learn. There's nobody at any point in their career who is the finished article.

With screenplays and teleplays, they are mapped, really, in the blueprint of a finished product, which is something you're going to watch on a screen. But a book is an end to itself, really.

I think the first thing you should know is that nobody in country music 'made it' the same way. It's all different. There's no blueprint for success, and sometimes you just have to work at it.

Obama's plan for higher taxes and more spending is a blueprint for perpetual poverty. The last thing America needs is more of the Democrats' class warfare that has left our economy a barren landscape.

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