I do a lot of gaming.

Gaming brings people together.

Our strategy is gaming for the masses.

Gaming is the backbone of Nevada's economy.

Do we care about gaming? We absolutely care.

I still love gaming and the gaming community.

Asia is the founding land of competitive gaming.

Gaming is going into storytelling. It was a new audience.

I've always played games. I've been brought up around gaming.

Online console gaming will continue to grow at a healthy pace.

To me the arcade experience is the ultimate gaming experience.

I came quite late to gaming: I didn't start playing until 2002.

The social element has really transformed the gaming experience.

With pro-gaming that's one of the toughest parts - living game to game.

BlizzCon is a great example of how positive and uplifting gaming can be.

For me, the cool thing is doing things that could only be done in gaming.

Gaming is something you have to force actively against and I will do this.

It's exciting to see a brand like Hershey's is getting into the gaming world.

I think that gaming is more fun when you're playing with people that you know.

Realistically, guys who are into gaming are not necessarily watching television.

Much of the excitement about virtual reality has come from the gaming community.

Amazon creating GameOn could be a very good introduction into competitive gaming.

The gaming enthusiast that buys a tremendous amount of games is truly insatiable.

My passion for gaming is well-known among both the Utah Jazz and my team in France.

If Wii was about gaming for the masses, then think of DSi as creativity for the masses.

I played lots of games and I was a fan of gaming, so I was always looking for new games.

I think, for me, it's very simple with the Xbox; I just want the ultimate gaming console.

Films and gaming are blurring together, and it makes for brilliant popcorn entertainment.

I've always thought that gaming and YouTube and the web is a very post-punk extravaganza.

Man is a gaming animal. He must always be trying to get the better in something or other.

Gaming notebooks aren't that abundant. Not that many gamers are able to play on notebooks.

Education should learn from the positive side of gaming - reward, accomplishment, and fun.

Gaming goes in trends, and for a bit of a too-long stretch, it focused on huge productions.

Zynga made social gaming and play a worldwide phenomenon, and we remain the industry leader.

The further you get into technology, the further you go into gaming. That's the general rule.

Gaming provides us with some very good signals about consumers and what they're interested in.

Gaming related content will redefine entertainment and I am looking forward to leading the way.

The gaming world isn't filled only with violence and depravity. In fact, it's mostly enchanting.

Just because you're a woman in gaming doesn't mean you're a nice person all the time necessarily.

The bulk of my work is comedy and I wanted to use the gaming world as a vehicle to deliver comedy.

The 2006 federal Internet gaming statute is not ambiguous. It does not prohibit gambling on fantasy sports.

Marrying to increase love is like gaming to become rich; alas, you only lose what little stock you had before.

It's odd to grow up in a gaming town because... we know all of the tricks that are going on behind the scenes.

Gaming has been a great way to get to know people. That's part of what I love about games, that they are social.

I created a character who plays multiplayer video games, and he's considered the most dominating gaming specimen.

Over the years, Forgotten Realms and gaming have taken me all over the world and made me all sorts of new friends.

A lot of people try to control how you access gaming. You know, they're trying to prevent people from buying games.

We set up a situation and let you interact with it and see the consequences of your choice. That's what gaming does.

I think gaming has influenced popular culture in a huge way. It's worked its way into novels, and blockbuster movies.

Essentially, I'm a 21-year-old who's a millionaire through gaming, vlogging, and my online experience. Yo, I'll take it!

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