Television is a very gratifying medium.

Managing to tell a story is very gratifying.

It's gratifying to be taken seriously, always.

Blowing terrorists to smithereens is gratifying.

It's gratifying that it does; I love to give readings.

'Miss Field' was such a gratifying experience in so many levels.

That's the most gratifying thing in the world, helping each other.

Nothing is more gratifying to the mind of man than power or dominion.

Landing substantial and author-backed roles is indeed very gratifying.

I never knew motherhood could be so truly gratifying until I had Natasha.

It's gratifying to hear something familiar and challenging at the same time.

I wouldn't call being a chef gratifying in a lot of ways. It's an act of love.

It's a big pay off when I see a woman wearing my stuff. It's really gratifying.

It's gratifying to see people come up to me and thank me for entertaining them.

I can see people sharing my comics and talking about them, which is very gratifying.

I would recommend all players go to Napoli, it is a gratifying and successful place.

Doing readings is so gratifying that it makes any physical intensity worth it for me.

People go out of their way to show the love and respect for me. It is very gratifying.

Writing, producing and directing, I must say, is incredibly satisfying and gratifying.

It is extremely gratifying to see success like exhibited by the founders of Instagram!

I played a ton of team sports growing up, and team wins are just incredibly gratifying.

I, also, found the opportunity to work with the actors extremely gratifying and rewarding.

Fiction is harder for me than nonfiction - more gratifying, as a result, when it succeeds.

To be told you've won a MacArthur fellowship is very flattering and gratifying personally.

I gave it all that I had, and it's gratifying that others seem to be receiving it so well.

If I'm not working on something, I'm eager to work on something because it's so gratifying.

I'm surprised by the success of anything I do, but it's gratifying when the public approves.

Everyone thinks acting is easy. It's far from easy, but it's the most gratifying thing I do.

If you look at the whole thing, I think the most gratifying thing is my kids, without a doubt.

Sometimes the best parts are the leading men. But the little parts can be similarly gratifying.

It's always kind of gratifying to go back to the place that launched you and show you did good.

If you have 20,000 people and they like you, they give you their support, that's so gratifying.

Teaching is a good distraction, and I am in contact with young people, which is very gratifying.

With comedies, it's been very gratifying to be able to clock in, laugh all day, and then clock out.

You can generate a phenomenal relationship with an audience. It's very gratifying, a real privilege.

It's always gratifying to hear that people are excited by something that you've been excited to make.

I played the best role I've ever seen on TV or film in the last five years. It was hugely gratifying.

You can't imagine how gratifying it is to have a reader come up to you and say, 'You changed my life.'

It's gratifying to know that America can be so much more than the land of the free and home of the rest of us.

I suppose it's easy to play a hypocritical politician with a smiling face; it's also quite gratifying to play.

Writing, producing and directing, I must say, is incredibly satisfying and gratifying. I've never been happier.

Nothing is more gratifying as a Christian believer than being able to thread my faith and love for Jesus into my music.

To finally have people receive and hear what I'm saying is one of the most gratifying feelings an artist can ever have.

It's gratifying to work for somebody who doesn't measure accomplishment by the temporary state of public-opinion polls.

I arrived in Hollywood without having my nose fixed, my teeth capped, or my name changed. That is very gratifying to me.

Being a wife and a mother is very gratifying, but it's not a creative expression and that's something I need to be happy.

What's gratifying is that it's my books that are being read and reread until they're battered over the years. I love that.

You just do the best you can, and when you're able to connect with people, and when you do, it's just incredibly gratifying.

Liverpool are one of the greats in Europe, and being able to be part of the history of such a great club is gratifying to me.

Subsisting on a diet drawn from one food group isn't healthy or gratifying. Even eating cupcakes 24/7 eventually would get old!

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