Every kind of writing is hypocritical.

I feel we live in a hypocritical country.

I don't want people to think lm hypocritical.

I just don't like bullies. Especially hypocritical bullies.

The Web makes people hypocritical, it encourages to take pseudonymes

Be hypocritical, be cautious, be not what you seem but always what you see.

Words divorced from action supporting them are meaningless and hypocritical.

I want a woman who can go to the saloon with me, not hypocritical, fame seeking

Of mankind we may say in general they are fickle, hypocritical, and greedy of gain.

It's hypocritical to say Black Lives Matter' when we know Black life begins in the womb.

You can't defend the indefensible. Anything you say sounds self-serving and hypocritical.

You can't defend the indefensible - anything you say sounds self-serving and hypocritical.

We should honor Mother Earth with gratitude; otherwise our spirituality may become hypocritical.

I came to America from Canada because Canada is stultifyingly boring and incredibly hypocritical.

To engage in downright plagiarism is disappointing. It's cynical, opportunistic and hypocritical.

Puritanical attempts to cure society by taking toys away from children are hypocritical and futile.

I hate it when people use sex as a weapon against the people who are engaging in it. It's so hypocritical.

I suppose it's easy to play a hypocritical politician with a smiling face; it's also quite gratifying to play.

It is always a bit hypocritical when a defender who spends the whole game kicking you complains of being kicked.

The Hippocratic Oath says do no harm. It's the Hypocritical Oath that says do no harm to one's political future.

Man is the only animal that learns by being hypocritical. He pretends to be polite and then, eventually, he becomes polite.

It's incredibly hypocritical of Eddie to object to filming around my children, especially given how public he lives his life.

To anyone other than an adamant social conservative, Pence is shockingly unreasonable. But he is also shockingly hypocritical.

Any form of integration, forced integration, any - any - any effort to force integration upon whites is actually hypocritical.

Virtually all modern forms of extremism accuse liberal Western democratic systems of being hypocritical and, ultimately, weak.

I think the media are so hypocritical a lot of the time in the way they chastise something just so that they can print it again.

It would be hypocritical of me to use being female in some ways, and diss being female in other ways. It's part of the programme.

These days, I'm a hypocritical, philosophical vegetarian. Vegetarianism would be the right choice, but I really, really love meat.

Early in life I had to choose between honest arrogance and hypocritical humility. I chose the former and have seen no reason to change.

The attitude we have towards our personal pets as opposed to the animals that suffer under the factory farm is hypocritical and delusional.

She [Hillary Clinton] knew that's who he[Bill clinton] was before they got married. It would have been hypocritical for her to insist on monogamy.

A hypocritical etiquette forces us to pretend that the Jews are powerless victims; and if you don't respect their victimhood, they'll destroy you.

We have, in this country, this Puritan, hypocritical, nonrealistic view of sex that is entirely different than the view, for instance, in Western Europe.

Did I think it was hypocritical that a professional league making hundreds of millions of dollars off beer sponsorships was telling me not to drink? Yes.

It's very hypocritical to constantly say, 'We want to keep our kids close,' then send them home with so much homework that family time becomes nonexistent.

Musicians always come off sounding a little bit pretentious, and a little bit... I don't know, hypocritical, from what they do, talking about strong issues.

Specifically, I would suggest that the effective organization is garrulous, clumsy, superstitious, hypocritical, monstrous, octopoid, wandering, and grouchy.

There are voters out there that a moralistic and populist conservative right might win but a flagrantly hypocritical and ethnonationalist conservatism cannot.

We have seen enough criminality on the part of government. It is hypocritical to make this allegation against me. They have narrowed the public sphere of influence.

Yeah, right. I mean, he criticises everybody in the media, then the first thing he does when he finishes is he goes to work for the media. Thompson, too. Hypocritical.

I'm being hypocritical because I have a Twitter, but I try to not talk about things like, 'Oh, I had a grapefruit this morning and it was delicious,' because, who cares?

Humans are very seldom either totally sincere or totally hypocritical. Their moods change, their motives are mixed, and they are often quite mistaken as to what their motives are.

I won't perform in Cuba until there's no more Castro and there's a free Cuba. To me, Cuba's the biggest prison in the world, and I would be very hypocritical were I to perform there.

We often mock Barack Obama for whining about Fox News. So it's now what Donald Trump is doing? Should we be mocking him for doing the same thing? I know. It is hypocritical if we don't.

Beto is not a transformational political saviour. He is a hypocritical hack who's so lightweight he goes where the wind blows even if it tumbles him and the economy to irreversible hell.

The only difference between me and my critics is that I don't lie to the world about who I am. People are complicated and often seemingly hypocritical. Embrace the diversity of your mind.

I regard the Klan, the Anglo-Saxon clubs and White American societies, as far as the Negro is concerned, as better friends of the race than all other groups of hypocritical whites put together.

When you hear a politician say 'fair share,' you are talking about hypocritical political propaganda. You are not talking about an intelligent discussion of who is paying what and who isn't paying taxes.

When we choose to have an abortion, we must do so understanding the full ramifications of what we are doing. Anything less feels to me to be hypocritical, a selfish abnegation of reality and responsibility.

I try to very hard to avoid a situation where I would be eating cat or dog; I've managed to gracefully avoid that. It's hypocritical of me and an arbitrary line, but one that I have managed to avoid crossing.

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