I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it.

There are certainly producers I hang with and directors I hang with and actors I hang with.

To hang out in a gay bar or put on a sequined halter top makes me feel like a total person.

I'm perfectly happy doing nothing. I'll hang around the house and take the dog to the park.

I'm going to hang out with people, and I'm going to explore myself, and I'm okay with that.

I like to hang out with my friends, go to the theatre, watch DVDs, read, play with my niece.

You don't want money to make you a social freak where you can only hang out with rich people.

I'll always prefer to play with women and hang out with women, and I'll always be a feminist.

I'm not much of a party-goer, though I do love to hang out and chill with my friends at home.

I may not look it when I'm playing, but I think I'm a fun guy to hang with when I'm relaxing.

I like to hang with the boys and I like to prove that I can be one of the boys, if not better.

You can always tell a novice rider; they aren't comfortable in the saddle and have to hang on.

At a young age, I had to give up a lot of things, like being able to hang out with my friends.

I couldn't quite get the hang of how to socialise as a teenager. I didn't really understand it.

I like a pretty relaxed, fun set. Everyone knows they can bring whoever they want and hang out.

You know, if you hang around this earth long enough you really see how things come full circle.

It's really important that we don't hang up the membership to the human community at menopause.

I love kids. It's amazing that I have the opportunity to hang out with my stepson all the time.

If you really want something you just hang with it. We think our future's ahead and not behind.

I was always a bit different. I had a very happy childhood, but I could never hang on to mates.

I'm probably the worst Silicon Valley insider ever. I don't hang out with Silicon Valley people.

I like to play music. I like projects. I like excuses to hang out with my friends and play music.

When I meet somebody, I hang out with them, and it's all good, but I don't take it too seriously.

I try not to spend too much time with regret, although I wish I'd had more hang time with my dad.

The pressure of survival in the big city will make you lose sight of your dream... Hang in there.

I'm happy to hang out with friends, but I'm not the type who entertains guests, not even at home.

I have been known to hang out and party back in the day. I had a weekend that lasted a few years.

I usually hang out on the set. I get to know everybody. I have a nice time with the other actors.

I hang out all the time with kids and young scouts and I never meet kids who don't want adventure.

If they want to hang me, let them. And on the scaffold I will shout Freedom for the working class!

In Hollywood, if you have any success, you have this fear: What do you have to do to hang onto it?

I get on with people. I don't hang out with people who aren't nice. It's like, be real or go home.

Groceries, TV shows, and shoes are a few categories Amazon has been willing to hang onto for years.

I do like to hang out in the corner and keep my eye on the party, or be outside in a smaller group.

With my hours, I don't hang out with anybody. I work and come home to my Upper West Side apartment.

I have a very fun husband. He's managed to hang on to every person he's known since grammar school.

I always said that I wouldn't use a teleprompter, and if I start to sing real flat, I'll hang it up.

It's long been a cliche in Washington that if you hang a lamb chop in your window, guests will come.

I get to hang out with people I think are awesome, and do work I think is awesome. It's really cool.

I've cut down on a lot of stuff this summer, just so I can hang out and be a normal kid for a while.

I get to pretend I'm flying into space, and hang out with my friends. That's what I do for a living.

Just be a cool grandpa who's creative, and hang out and tell stories and read a book in the library.

I have a kind of boring personal life, to the paparazzi anyway, and I don't hang with the cool crowd.

Most of my peers in television seem to be from a different planet. I don't hang out with any of them.

No one I hang out with thinks that a random person on the street should be able to buy a machine gun.

I have two really great best friends that are the only people I hang out with. I keep a close circle.

I hang out with my guru in my heart. And I love every thing in the universe. That's all I do all day.

Fortunes made in no time are like shirts made in no time; it's ten to one if they hang long together.

I don't want to write about violence, and I don't want to hang a plot on a murder. I think it's cheap.

People should be shrouded in mystery. Especially actors. No, hang on, maybe actors should be blown up.

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