I spend... too much time... in my own head.

I try not to spend too much time on my computer.

I think we can spend too much time worrying about polls.

I look at 'Death Proof' and realize I had too much time.

I think a lot of people have too much time on their hands.

I can't live with art: I'd spend too much time tweaking it.

I've spent too much time giving speeches, traveling the world.

It's very easy for a writer to spend much too much time in her head.

Working from live models is too much trouble; it takes too much time.

I spend far too much time on eBay buying lamps and upholstery remnants.

It's hard on the road, you don't get too much time to sit down and focus.

Perfection, to me ,means you spend much too much time trying to be perfect.

Directing is too hard, it takes too much time, and it doesn't pay very well.

I don't spend too much time on social media, so I can protect my mind space.

If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you'll never get it done.

Recently, I haven't had too much time to read. But I love a good romance novel.

I came off Snapchat. I was done with it... I think I spent too much time on it.

We do spend too much time on the telephone, and you know something? We love it.

A lot of shorts spend too much time setting up the idea; sometimes they meander.

In college, you learn how to learn. Four years is not too much time to spend at that.

If you spend too much time in L.A., you might start to lose a sense of what's normal.

Don't waste too much time wishing, hoping, and being envious; it'll make you bugnutty.

My daily style is easy and effortless - I don't like to take too much time getting ready.

My generation spends too much time in the mirror and not enough looking inside ourselves.

I don't think you can spend too much time as an artist believing what other people think.

I'm totally addicted to Japanese anime and spend way, way, way too much time watching it.

I try not to spend too much time online but at the same time if I didn't, I'd be isolated.

You are wise, witty and wonderful, but you spend too much time reading this sort of stuff.

Some critics say I spent too much time on politics. I don't put much stock in the critics.

You cannot always make such big exhibitions, because they consume too much time and energy.

I'm not willing to spend too much time away from my kids, so I usually don't work that much.

I try not to spend too much time with regret, although I wish I'd had more hang time with my dad.

My wife has a horror the children will start talking American if we spend too much time out there.

People are spending way too much time thinking about climate change, way too little thinking about AI.

Every time I go to Washington, I break out in a cold sweat. So I try not to spend too much time there.

The people in Washington spend too much time in Washington, so they think Washington-centric thoughts.

I believe that life is short, and there is too much time wasted bearing grudges, and I like to move on.

Neymar and Balotelli have the same problem. They spend too much time on their activities off the pitch.

Taxes are way too complicated, and people spend way too much time worrying about ways to get them lower.

I think people have too much time in their hands and constructive thinking is just waning in our country.

You can't go to college and develop into an Olympics champion. It takes too much time, too much training.

Most of us spend too much time on the last twenty-four hours and too little on the last six thousand years.

Spend too much time alone with your own words, and your writing grows anemic, in dire need of a transfusion.

I don't want to spend too much time dwelling on what I've already done because there is still so much to do.

I go shopping maybe three times a year in an intense way. I'm like a man. Can't spend too much time in a shop.

Some people spend too much time with their job, not enough with their family. You've got to balance things out.

If you give yourself too much time, you kind of over-obsess about the music. It's not supposed to be like that.

The 200 is tragic! It's my favorite race, but it takes so much out of the body - and it's too much time to think.

I tend not to worry about things I can't do anything about. It's not in my nature to spend too much time thinking.

You feel good if you've done hard work. You sleep better. You get stuck in your head if you have too much time to think.

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