He helps me every day to do my exercises. Siegfried told me once, 'The one who is a hero is the one who can hang on just one minute longer.'

The real truth is, I just want to keep the voice of dissent alive in all of our elections. I don't really want to hang out with politicians.

I'm a comedian, and the other comedians are played by comedians, the same way that in 'Once' there are the musicians that hang out together.

Who you work with is even more important than who you hang out with because you spend a lot more time with your workmates than your friends.

My mother had no end of tragedy in her life. She would make herself get up and take a deep breath and go out and do laundry. Hang up sheets.

We had incense and rock'n'roll posters, and we sold records and rolling papers. People could just, like, hang out. We had a cool vibe going.

On one level the sixties revolt was an impressive illustration of Lenin's remark that the capitalist will sell you the rope to hang him with.

We've been trying to get my body and head moving toward the target on the downswing. I have a tendency to hang back and not release the club.

You hope that when you're playing someone possibly unsympathetic that you can bring them something redeeming, something people can hang onto.

I'd go to Coney Island to hang out, and I saw a magician doing a rope trick on the boardwalk. I was fascinated. I guess that's how it started.

I think if you just hang in there long enough and keep doing what you know is your sweet spot, I think the world eventually catches up to you.

I love to meet my fans, and after every show I usually hang out for a few hours, talking to my fans, signing autographs, and selling T-shirts.

I have some Russian friends. But probably only 10 percent. I don't hang out usually in the big Russian communities in Brooklyn and New Jersey.

Whenever I get a little chance to get to Orlando, I like to take a couple days' break with the family, just hang out, go clubbing around town.

And last, it may be worthwhile trying to hang something beyond the partial wall because some of the pictures do very well in a confined space.

I sing seriously to my mom on the phone. To put her to sleep, I have to sing 'Maria' from West Side Story. When I hear her snoring, I hang up.

I don't really like to go out that much. But when I do, I go to the movies, just hang out with friends. I go on Skype and iChat and just chill.

It's tough now to meet a girl who wants to hang out with you because she likes your personality - who hasn't seen you on TV and is like, 'Hey!'

I'm not going to retire until I win the NWA World Heavyweight Title, the same belt my dad had. I'm going to win that title before I hang it up.

I find anonymous music frees me best. Chinese pop can be perfect. I can't decipher anything on the CD label; there is nothing I can hang on to.

I don't want to continue to do what I did when I was 20. I would like to continue to develop myself and not continue to hang around with bands.

People hang their hopes on you fitting into their CD collection in way that they have made a space for, but I'm playing a longer game than that.

It's better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you'll drift in that direction.

I get my flow from Daddy, my singing ability from Mommy, the camera stuff from both. That's just what happens when you hang out with the Smiths.

I've played golf since I was fourteen. I like how no two rounds are ever the same. And I get to be out in nature... and hang out with my buddies.

It's not often you get to hang out with someone you're really intrigued by. So when Will.i.am invited me to visit him at home, I couldn't resist.

There are two dilemmas that rattle the human skull: How do you hang on to someone who won't stay? And how do you get rid of someone who won't go?

I actually feel that the better you know yourself, the more you want to hang out with yourself and enjoy that time to do whatever makes you happy.

I'm always in bed by 11 or 12 and people laugh all the time - they want me to hang out until two in the morning, but n-n-no, I need my nine hours.

After school, I started living on my own. After my dad passed away, I didn't know where to go and eventually decided to hang on here in Hyderabad.

My friends and I often film videos when we get together and hang out, and they're usually just silly situational videos just for our own amusement.

In a ghost story, usually you've got to hang on until daylight, and you'll be alright. But if daylight's four months away, then you have a problem.

When no one knew who Dana White was... Dana White used to run around with me, hang out with me, and I treated him just like anyone else in my camp.

Women should know that they don't have to hang on to an old dream that has stopped nurturing them - that there is always time to start a new dream.

I'm big into fashion, so after swimming, when I hang up the Speedo, I definitely want to get into fashion and start designing my own clothing line.

We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. So when we are in the mess, remember Jesus made it right. We got to hang on to that by faith.

I'm a reader for lots of reasons. On the whole, I tend to hang out with readers, and I'm scared they wouldn't want to hang out with me if I stopped.

I go to the pub, hang out with my family - that's pretty much it. I also do a lot of sports when I get the chance. I'm actually a pretty mellow guy.

As a writer, there are times when you have something to say, and yet no particular 'hook' upon which to hang the missive you are burning to release.

Your arms don't hang by your side in space like they do on Earth because there is no gravity. It feels awkward to have them floating in front of me.

Being able to laugh at a situation can help you hang on to your perspective. And there's an intimacy in laughter that nothing else can come close to.

I can trust in Jesus. And this Gospel that we preach does work. So those who are hurting and suffering today, hang in there. The sun will shine again.

The first thing is to hang on to everybody who is talented, who is entrepreneurial, who wants to make an impact and a change and start attracting ones.

We hang out, we help one another, we tell one another our worst fears and biggest secrets, and then, just like real sisters, we listen and don't judge.

I did enjoy Nashville a lot of the time, because I made really good friends who were really good songwriters, and they would be a joy to hang out with.

If you like to bake with eggs, you can substitute Ener-G egg replacer, bananas, tofu, or many other ingredients. You get the hang of it quickly enough.

Like the average American that I hang out with, and like my father before me, I raised all my children to respect tools and use them wisely and safely.

When I'm not working... I'm an actor! I'm auditioning! I like to hang out, have fun, drink, club, meet boys, look for boyfriends, play MASH, the usual.

I have a studio in a barn at home - we rehearse there, we film there and we record there. It's fun to hang out with my guys and see what comes out next.

We have perhaps a natural fear of ends. We would rather be always on the way than arrive. Given the means, we hang on to them and often forget the ends.

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