I actually don't think Ireland has a summer. I never experienced a summer there. It was just so wet.

I've got my roots in Northern Ireland - my biological father's side of the family were from Belfast.

I think of the bog as a feminine goddess-ridden ground, rather like the territory of Ireland itself.

For investor confidence, it is important that there is certainty about the future of Ireland in E.U.

I loved my time growing up in Northern Ireland doing youth drama, that is where it all began for me.

At home in Ireland, there's a habit of avoidance, an ironical attitude towards the authority figure.

I live in Derry, a little town in Ireland, and I don't have the background of Hollywood or Broadway.

People think we are such great talkers, but there is so much silence in Ireland about certain issues.

People in Northern Ireland vote for their church, they don't vote with their heads; it is ridiculous.

As a guy from Northern Ireland who supported Celtic and worked in football, I'm living my dream here.

It's a complicated relationship with the place one grows up in, particularly if it's Northern Ireland.

We need to work together towards a mutually beneficial solution for Ireland, the U.K., and for Europe.

For over 30 years, the IRA showed that the British government could not rule Ireland on its own terms.

There's a lot I've missed about living in Ireland. You miss family, particularly when you've got kids.

Whenever I come to Ireland, I end up just bantering with the crowd so the show will just be what it is.

Northern Ireland isn't actually part of Great Britain, but we still want it to be part of 'Sofa Watch.'

I am proud that Ireland is playing its part to drive an ambitious and comprehensive agreement at COP21.

There has been no lack of courage in Ireland; there never is, but even our courage has a fatal quality.

The thing that started the peace movement in Ireland was anger - my anger. It wasn't anger; it was fury.

It's a great wonder to me, the Irish attachment to our history. What is it but a series of lamentations?

I do hope in Ireland children in schools can experience the richness of chess and it's positive effects.

Ireland's always going to be my home, but so much is filmed in L.A., so you have to spend time out here.

Jimmy's Hall' is set in Ireland in the '30s and everything that went under the camera we had to generate.

'Game of Thrones' was a game-changer for Northern Ireland. There's going to be a massive gap when it goes.

Growing up in Ireland, there are a lot of aspects of God that hang in the air. And my music reflects that.

If Northern Ireland had better weather, it would be like New Zealand. It's an immensely beautiful country.

We used to spend a lot of time as kids in Northern Ireland, on the border and in southern Ireland as well.

It's Northern Ireland, it's Ireland, it's Scotland, it's Wales, there's Scousers, Londoners, all behind me.

Geographically, Ireland is a medium-sized rural island that is slowly but steadily being consumed by sheep.

My ultimate dream would be for Derry City to become champions of an all-Ireland league in a united Ireland.

The arts are very alive in Ireland, so that had its influence on me. But I consider myself European, really.

There was nobody in the city I came from - Cork, Ireland - that I could link up with to teach me the guitar.

I'm Irish; I grew up in Ireland, and it's impossible to separate my background from who I am as a filmmaker.

You know, the pessimism which exists now in the Middle East existed in Northern Ireland, but we stayed at it.

I grew up in Derry, of course, and it was - Derry was the worst example of Northern Ireland's discrimination.

I have ambitions to set records which will be hard to chase down, like getting more than 100 caps for Ireland.

I didn't start traveling abroad until I was 17, but I spent many summers on the beaches of Donegal in Ireland.

In some parts of Ireland the sleep which knows no waking is always followed by a wake which knows no sleeping.

Well I think it has always been a mistake to reduce the peace process in Ireland to a decommissioning process.

We may have bad weather in Ireland, but the sun shines in the hearts of the people and that keeps us all warm.

I know most of the photographers in Ireland. And if I don't want my photograph taken, they will leave me alone.

Northern Ireland, England, Scotland - when we play each other, you don't want to lose to a neighbouring country.

I would rather go back to when I started doing music in Ireland and it was all live. I mean you just don't mime.

Ireland cannot become the collector general for the world. We can only tax on profits generated in the country here.

The landscape in Ireland is just - I've never been in such a beautiful place with the lakes and ocean and everything.

I'm involved in Northern Ireland Screen and have been for a long time, so I keep my eyes open and ears to the ground.

I'm home a lot. Because I live in Ireland, we can live under the celebrity radar. I might go missing for a whole year.

I put all my eggs in one basket and invested in property. I didn't do anything internationally - it was all in Ireland.

We have achieved tremendous success in Ireland and internationally on the strength of our creativity and design skills.

I don't think America has ever had a center the way London is the center of England or Dublin is the center of Ireland.

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