He is a terrible planner, though. So am I.

I'm not a big planner; I decide by intuition.

I'm not a big planner when I travel; I just feel it out.

I'm a huge planner, more and more so as the years go by.

I'm not a big planner. Things always sort of surprise me.

Thank God I have a financial planner who is really conservative.

I'm not a public official. I'm a businessman, I'm a builder, I'm a planner.

I'm not a planner. I like to try something different, to just see what happens.

Stockholm is surely an urban planner's dream. Everything works. Everything looks good.

The average American's day planner has fewer holes in it than Ray Charles's dart board.

My mother is an office manager, my father a professor of economics and financial planner.

If I ever had the time to take on another job, being a party planner would be high on my list.

I am a bad planner, I cannot really plan my future, so I am keeping my expectations very grounded.

He fashions evil for himself who does evil to another, and an evil plan does mischief to the planner.

The greatest responsibility of the planner and architect, I believe, is the protection and development of our habitat.

If I'd been a better long-term planner, I'd still be in music, as a musician someplace. So I'll take it one step at a time.

I don't plan. I don't think, 'I have to do this kind of part 'cause I've done that kind of part.' I'm not a very good planner.

I never got into using my phone's calendar. It's easier to write in my Tiffany day planner. There's something charming about having a datebook.

My job is to give my best, and where my journey would take me is something that I have left to God. I am not much of a planner; I am more of a doer.

I have to confess to not being a great forward planner. I'm the kind of person who regularly arranges to have dinner with five different people on the same night.

I'm a great planner, so before I ever write chapter 1, I work out what happens in every chapter and who the characters are. I usually spend a year on the outline.

Is advertising a profession, like law or medicine? How many new parents clutch their baby to their breast and declare, 'I want this child to grow up to be a media planner'?

I think a woman can have all of the ideas and mental pictures. She can be a real planner and a motivator. But in the end, I think a woman does best when she responds to a man.

I'm a very thoughtful, forward-thinking, planner kind of person. I love Excel spreadsheets and five-year-plans, and I love to review every year how my New Year's resolutions went.

I'm a planner, and most networks don't plan. Bravo doesn't plan. Bravo is lucky in a lot of ways - they've got a lot of great talent, but at the same time, they don't nurture it. They lost 'Project Runway.'

I'm not good at future planning. I don't plan at all. I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow. I don't have a day planner and I don't have a diary. I completely live in the now, not in the past, not in the future.

The best advice that I can offer is that being proactive and a careful planner is key. Think about the major things that could shake up your financial life, and I'll bet there are some great ways to protect yourself.

I'm an escapist. I'm not a planner; I've never made a decision about anything in my life. The good thing about Africa is that you can escape forever. You can do what you want without someone looking over your shoulder.

I've never been a planner. I didn't know I was going to run for the State House. I didn't know I was going to run for governor. I don't know what's next, and I love not thinking about it because the doors open at a certain time.

I think that there are laughs in all aspects of life. I'm not a planner; stuff comes along and you read it, and if it scares you or if you think, 'Oh my God, this is so good. I hope I don't screw it up,' then you should probably do it.

My finances have been decimated by a group of people, such as my ex-attorney, my ex-business manager, and an estate planner, specifically. And they have conspired together to - to co-op my corporations, put in trustees without my knowledge.

'Our Dream Playground' is a new online project planner designed to help you build the playground of your dreams. It's a free resource, brought to you 'KaBOOM!,' offering step-by-step instructions to help you bring play to the kids in your community.

There are some actors who are very good at developing things, who have... 'things in the pipeline.' I am abysmal at that kind of thing, loathe it, and am a terrible planner. Unless I'm showing up on the set and acting, I prefer to have nothing to do with the actual business of being an actor.

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