I have reservations about everything I do.

Indians were frequently off their reservations.

God made me an Indian, but not a reservation Indian.

It pays to trust God with all and to make no reservation.

How do we remember people when they don’t make reservations?

You'd never have a motorcycle policeman out on the Indian reservation.

It is the essence of certainty to be established only with reservations.

Authority, without any condition and reservation, belongs to the nation.

I never have reservations about doing anything as long as I'm being paid.

Attention is the intention to live without reservation in the here-and-now.

I don't mind falling in love with an actress. I don't have any reservations.

If you’re not in a good mood, the only thing you should make is a reservation.

The list of plane reservations I keep on my phone - it's very, very, very long.

If you don't have reservations, you're a fool. You can't go blind into something.

Reservation should be under 'Bartlett.' Right, that's two T's. Yes. 'Bart-let-et.'

No, I am not after huge stars. But I have no reservations about working with stars.

I was raised in a normal Gujarati style with all the restrictions and reservations.

When you give without reservation, you’ll become a magnet that pulls the world toward you.

At first my publisher had reservations about publishing it in the form you are familiar with.

God will rule the lives of all those who will surrender themselves without reservation to Him.

My sense is that the majority of Conservatives share my reservations about how we got into Iraq.

I technically have two last names, which is a lot of fun when you're making airline reservations.

I can go to any restaurant without a reservation, but while I'm there, everyone's gonna be staring.

Whenever I write for hotel reservations, I always enclose a set of rules I have made for the hotels.

When you do TV, people will say to you right on the street how they're feeling, with no reservations.

My dad got selected in the Indian Army, but he was not allowed to go, as my grandparents had reservations.

My position has always been that the House of Representatives does not take reservations. It's walk-in only.

To have memories, happy or sorrowful, is a blessing, for it shows we have lived our lives without reservation.

Hitler never bothered with restaurant reservations; he just dropped by. And somehow they always found him a table.

As a teenager, I worked on Indian reservations, and it was such an incredible culture: the elders are so respected.

There are three things being a celebrity is good for: raising money for charity, dinner reservations and tee times.

You don't choose your friends, they choose you, and you either reject them or you accept them without reservations.

Milan has no reservations signing veteran players and has always taken into account the image and communication factors.

Diners are upset that restaurants aren't honoring reservations, and a lot of restaurants help bring this on by overbooking.

When I went to Standing Rock, it opened my mind, as did going to Indian reservations and speaking to kids about music and arts.

When you don't have anything to lose, you discover something wonderful: you're free to take great risks without fear or reservation.

I like doing accents. One of my friends works in hotel reservations and I'll ring her up and complain about the suite. Sometimes I get her.

If you're asked, you've got to serve - put aside any reservations based on campaign rhetoric... and figure out what's best for the country.

The one living playwright I admire without any reservation whatsoever is Samuel Beckett. I have funny feelings about almost all the others.

I honestly have really deep reservations about releasing everything you ever did. Every time somebody farted in the studio, now it's out there.

There are several kinds of land on reservations. And all of these pieces of land have different entities who are in charge of enforcing laws on this land.

On any state elections map, the reservations are blue places. Native people are most often progressives, Democrats, and by no means gun-toting vigilantes.

To will everything that God wills, and to will it always, in all circumstances and without reservations: that is the kingdom of God which is entirely within.

When you finish reading a script and think it is good but have reservations about a kissing scene, it means that you haven't understood the script completely.

It's strange: We leave the movie having enjoyed its conclusion so much that we almost forgot our earlier reservations. But they were there, and they were real.

People ask me, 'What do you do?' And I tell them I'm a writer, but always with the silent reservation, 'I am, of course, not really a writer. Hemingway was a writer.'

I have a pretty good knowledge of the Indian world by virtue of living on several different reservations and being exposed to several different cultures and languages.

As a scientist in the field of biological warfare defense, I have never had any reservations whatsoever about helping the anthrax investigation in any way that I could.

I can get an audience screaming in Las Vegas and say, 'Barbara, that was a great show,' and she'll say, 'Would you please hurry up? We have dinner reservations at 9:30.'

If I were an Indian...I would greatly prefer to cast my lot among those of my people who adhere to the free open plains, rather than submit to the confined limits of a reservation.

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