My name can't be that tough to pronounce!

We should have an easier name to pronounce.

If you don't know how to pronounce a word, say it loud!

If you can't pronounce a word correctly, just don't use it.

In school, nobody could pronounce my name. They just called me Rocky.

I couldn't pronounce Arnold Schwarzenegger, so I called him Balloon Belly.

We must pronounce him fortunate who has ended his life in fair prosperity.

I am very up front about about my inability to pronounce things correctly.

I don't pronounce all my words exactly how they do on the BBC. I am who I am.

No one can pronounce my name. My name is 'The Black Guy From 40-Year-Old Virgin'.

Only when a man's life comes to its end in prosperity dare we pronounce him happy.

We all have days where we can't pronounce things or give it the emotion it deserves.

I used to get very nervous and couldn't even pronounce my name in front of my camera.

Where men of judgment creep and feel their way, The positive pronounce without dismay.

President Bush has been silent on Schwarzenegger. Of course, he can't pronounce Schwarzenegger.

Sequestration, sequestation - however you pronounce that word - and gridlock aren't all that bad.

Be able to correctly pronounce the words you would like to speak and have excellent spoken grammar.

I changed my name at 14 because no one outside of my family could pronounce my first name correctly.

If you can't pronounce it, you probably shouldn't be putting it in your body or in your environment.

My publicist always said as long as they pronounce your name or spell your name right, it's all good.

It was my dad's idea to change my name from Sahatciu to Ora. He said it would be easier to pronounce.

The reason it's hard for me to tweet is I don't want to pronounce anything, and Twitter is for pronouncing.

I knew I didn't have the right name for a singer. Having a name that nobody could pronounce was hardly an asset.

I think if an actor is not able to pronounce their own dialogues, no matter what language, you are not an actor.

My heritage, many generations back, is Dutch and it was fun to go where nobody asked me how to pronounce my name.

I think when you're acting, you usually don't have to know too much beyond how to pronounce the words you're saying.

Honestly, I'll take a little lard over the 20 chemicals and ingredients I can't pronounce in some store-bought tortillas.

I was the kind nobody thought could make it. I had a funny Boston accent. I couldn't pronounce my R's. I wasn't a beauty.

If I can't pronounce it, I don't want to put it in my body. Everything to me now is organic, natural, right from the farm.

When I go out with the ladies, I don't force them to pronounce my name. I tell them I like to go by the nickname of Kitten.

Every single substitute teacher growing up could not pronounce my name, so whenever someone pauses, I'm like, 'Oh, that's me.'

When you don't know how to pronounce words, when you don't know the meaning of the words, how will you imbibe a song with feeling?

Is New Ageism inherently fascist? Of course not, though I'm happy to pronounce its babble about chakras and cosmic energy errant quackery.

If a product has an endless list of ingredients, and you can't pronounce half of them, I would think twice about bringing them into your home.

In hotels, every time I make a reservation and they never find my name, they never can pronounce it; it's so long, and sometimes they confuse.

It is certainly safe, in view of the movement to the right of intellectuals and political thinkers, to pronounce the brain death of socialism.

I paint to rest from the phenomena of the external world-to pronounce and to make notations of its essences with which to verify the inner eye.

Women are more complicated communicators than men, who have a tendency to pronounce and bloviate, and that makes for better writing in talky work.

Over the years, so many exceptions and amendments were made to China's one-child policy that it was hard to pinpoint a moment to pronounce it dead.

All living souls welcome whatever they are ready to cope with; all else they ignore, or pronounce to be monstrous and wrong, or deny to be possible.

The Galatians are severely censured for giving heed to false doctrines, and are called to pronounce even an apostle anathema, if he preached another gospel.

English people don't have very good diction. In France you have to pronounce very particularly and clearly, and learning French at an early age helped me enormously.

We shall be inclined to pronounce the voyage that led to the way to this New World as the most epoch-making event of all that have occurred since the birth of Christ.

Before I look stupid and not know what a word means or how to pronounce it, I'll stop the whole production: 'Hey, real quick, guys. Define this word for me. Somebody.'

The Australian accent is sort of like going down a step in smartness, you could say, because you guys pronounce things as they're spelled. We add and abbreviate stuff.

As human beings, we suffer from an innate tendency to jump to conclusions, to judge people too quickly, and to pronounce them failures or heroes without due consideration.

I am a chilled-out person. But if people call me by my name, I hope they pronounce it right. I get called Baron, sometimes Varun, and my surname is often changed to Sobit.

Most laws condemn the soul and pronounce sentence. The result of the law of my God is perfect. It condemns but forgives. It restores - more than abundantly - what it takes away.

As a Scot, representing a Scottish constituency for almost the past 25 years, I do not harbour an overweening ambition to pronounce on each and every matter exclusively English.

It is a grand mistake to think of being great without goodness and I pronounce it as certain that there was never a truly great man that was not at the same time truly virtuous.

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