I think hip-hop always shifts culture.

In a world awash in debt, power shifts to creditors.

I'm sure I will cause tremendous seismic shifts in the culture again.

Memory warps and stretches and shifts to fit the strictures of your life.

Gone are those days where I would probably work for five shifts in a day.

My parents work long, long shifts during the week and even on the weekend.

The Fourth of July observes one of the most seismic shifts in human history.

Nothing lives up to what you imagine. It changes, shifts, becomes something else.

If they asked me, I did two shifts. I did sports, I did news, because I loved it.

Focused attention necessarily has an edge, but as focus changes, the edge shifts.

Any time you have a change of leadership in an organization, everything kind of shifts.

The balance of power shifts on the Internet to the individual. This is a two-way medium.

The frontier between public and private shifts from time to time and culture to culture.

Mark Twain had a way of telling stories that shifts your consciousness away from labels.

All love shifts and changes. I don't know if you can be wholeheartedly in love all the time.

Consumer preferences for food have changed... Changed radically. I call them seismic shifts.

It's common for cultural shifts to start with young, urban adopters before going mainstream.

People don't want to embrace culture shifts because it's not going to happen in the next 20 minutes.

This world is clearly emerging before our eyes. The shifts ahead, the opportunities ahead are massive.

Paradigm shifts, particularly in diplomacy and security issues, are, by definition, major undertakings.

When you have children it completely shifts your focus; they become the most passionate love of your life.

I don't worry about infield shifts at all - you play where you're gonna play. I'm just gonna pitch my game.

That's one wonderful thing about country music - it shifts, ebbs, and flows stylistically, unlike pop music.

As more ad spending shifts online, the ability to have expertise and to innovate quickly will become critical.

Baseball's postseason shifts from game to game because of starting pitchers and the geography of the ballparks.

America's decline would set in motion tectonic shifts undermining the political stability of the entire Middle East.

I think humor is used a lot of the time to keep people from getting too close. Humor side-steps and shifts the meaning.

It's not unusual to find big political shifts that take place beneath the surface before they're visible above the surface.

'Superunknown' was one of the most dramatic shifts in what we were doing musically. I don't think I realized it at the time.

Patients deserve increased price transparency and affordable care, particularly as the system shifts significant costs to them.

With limited shifts, low wages, and scarce benefits, it feels almost impossible for many Americans to get their slice of the pie.

I'll always welcome some extra shifts and some extra ice time, and it's my job to be as prepared as possible to play those minutes.

Every person who starts at Boxed does shifts at the fulfillment center. It doesn't matter if you are the general counsel or the COO.

New questions can produce new scientific leaps. They can tiddlywink new flips of insight and understanding. Big ones. Paradigm shifts.

When you can stand over the clouds and watch them roll through the mountains below you, it shifts absolutely everything in your brain.

Progress in science occurs in fits and starts, and paradigm shifts occur when evidence can be marshaled to support a new point of view.

My work reflects a relationship to the built world that shifts between control and randomness, strangeness and beauty, comfort and fear.

To be forced to defend oneself is an inherently undesirable position to be in. The focus shifts from ideas to the person conveying them.

I think sometimes when you play those extra shifts, it gets you into the game a little bit more and gets you a little bit more involved.

My first scientific paper in 1961 reported an additivity rule for substituent-induced shifts of proton NMR signals in steroid derivatives.

I never know if I'm the builder or architect. The role shifts all the time. But what I have come to conclude is that the script is the muse.

While my life shifts from refugee camps to red carpets, I choose them both because these worlds can, in fact, coexist. And for me, they must.

If a reader likes a particular author, they keep reading all his books, and if the supply is not kept up, then the reader shifts his loyalties.

The relationship between parents and children who live together is a growing one, and it shifts every day, especially during the teenage years.

It's a constant thing we do in life... I marry someone or have kids; these are the evolutions of life that we go on. There are constant shifts.

The beauty of 'Parenthood' is that it's a blue-collar working family, and it reflects attitudinal shifts that occur within people and families.

Before you have children, you mostly think about the world in terms of yourself. And when you become a parent, the focus shifts to somebody else.

Questlove is an artist who I respect because he constantly shifts within the idiom, challenging perceptions of hip-hop and black American culture.

Estimation, assessment, looking back, retrospecting things - those are intellectual concepts, and they're always so subject to shifts in the wind.

There is very much a sense of different versions of storytelling within our 'Camelot' - who tells those stories, who creates them, who shifts them.

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