I love playing different characters.

I like to play different characters.

I'm here to play different characters.

I love portraying different characters.

I want to play many different characters.

It is my job to step into different characters.

I've done literally 100, 150 different characters.

When I write, I try to become different characters.

As an actor, it's amazing to get to create different characters.

I just want to challenge myself and play some different characters.

The kind of actors I admire move through different characters and genres.

I'm trying to broaden my range and get different characters in each film.

I want to play a variety of different characters in different genres of film.

Any opportunity I can get to showcase different characters, I absolutely love.

In many films, as many different characters, I've killed many different people.

People have certain expectations from me, and I want to do different characters.

I was looking to play different characters, and films didn't offer many choices.

Actors tell stories and we play different characters, and not all of them are healthy.

I've done a lot of different characters, but people never recognize me. I'm not joking.

In an ideal world, I would constantly be doing different characters in different worlds.

I'm so into playing different characters, even when I was on Nickelodeon. I just observe.

I am so lucky that throughout my career I've been able to play such different characters.

Yes, of course it's fun to play evil, but it's simply fun to play any different characters.

I love playing different characters all the time, so I'm concentrating on doing other stuff.

2NE1 was special because we each had different characters and styles, for individual tastes.

I want the chance to play very different characters, and I've always wanted to do more films.

I find it very difficult to be two different characters at the same time - actress and mother.

I never really thought about what characters I play. I always just wanted different characters.

Like any actor, I want to be able to have a long career and show different characters and a range.

It's cruel to compare two actors working with two different filmmakers on two different characters.

You can do a lot of impromptu in dubbing. You can bring in different characters and different accents.

I am not someone who will pick just any role in order to work. I want to attempt different characters.

It's so fun to just slip on different hats and play different characters, even if it's just for a minute.

I've always wanted to do a feature film, because, as a model, you have to play so many different characters.

What I love to do requires portraying different characters, and you have to separate your life from the role.

I want to be like Robin Williams, really. It's all the different characters he does, all the different voices.

I played Li'l Abner and Batman in school plays; I wanted to be an actor to play all these different characters.

There are no heroes and heroines in 'Naan.' All of us play different characters, and have equally important roles.

As a writer, I challenge myself not to tell the same story - to tackle different characters with different issues.

Essaying different characters on screen and doing justice to each role entails its own set of research and hard work.

I'm trying to show I'm a trained actress - I can transform myself into different characters. I'm not just an ingenue.

I love doing projects that flip my last project on its head. And I love the challenge of taking on different characters.

I will play different characters and do whatever excites me. I won't stick to one medium and as they say, never say never.

Something that I really enjoy doing is creating and being a part of very different characters and very different projects.

I look at rap as an opportunity to act. My head is full of different characters - in each song I'm auditioning a character.

I try to be cool with everybody, but sometimes, everybody just has different personalities, motives, and different characters.

Certainly, I look for different characters 'cause I always like to keep people guessing, and I also don't like to get typecast.

I'm just trying to put my feet into different characters and not play the stereotypical type thing, to let me grow as an actor.

I've had the opportunity to do a wide range of stuff, a lot of different characters and they've all had their own kind of thing.

If you can play lots of different characters, that's fun. As long as the material is good, that's what the attraction is for me.

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