When you get your first pay cheque, it's the best feeling in the world.

The idea of losing your best friend, basically, is the worst thing in world.

The best films in the world, you've got to beg and plead and try your best to get.

Take lots of walks. It's the best way to discover your world, both inner and outer.

If you have a sense of your place in the world, that's the best preparation for anything.

It doesn't matter if you've got the best team in the world, you can't play rugby on your own try-line.

I'm an avid reader. Novels, non-fiction, comics, it doesn't matter. Best way in the world to feed your head.

Make your mold. The best flux in the world will not make a usable shape unless you have a mold to pour it in.

When it comes to AB de Villiers, he is the best in the world, and you have to be at your best to bowl to him.

When you make your final list for the World Cup or European Championship you don't take the 23 best players, that is for sure.

The best feeling in the world is when you child just comes up to you and lays their head in your lap, for no other reason but just because.

If it's flipping hamburgers at McDonald's, be the best hamburger flipper in the world. Whatever it is you do you have to master your craft.

When it's going well, stand-up is the best thing in the world, but when it's not, it feels like all your toes are being pulled off one by one.

When you end the European Championship the best goal-scorer in your own country, you show the world that you have the shoulders to handle the pressure.

Guys that have the best shot in the world still shoot pucks, and that's for a reason. You keep growing your game and finding different ways to produce.

I think Formula One is extremely difficult, obviously, and it's the best drivers in the world so it's not easy to jump in and be on your top level immediately.

What's the point of being the best in the world if you scratch and claw your way to the top, and you push everybody down instead of lifting everybody else up with you?

In marketing I've seen only one strategy that can't miss - and that is to market to your best customers first, your best prospects second and the rest of the world last.

When you are better than your opposition for 45 minutes and create six chances, if you don't score, you are in danger in the Premier League. It's the best league in the world.

I felt like when I retired, I was still one of the best in the world and competing at the highest level. I think it's best to bow out and have people remember you at your peak.

The only thing that counts is if you know how to prepare your ingredients. Even if with the best and freshest ingredients in the world, if your dish is tasteless or burnt, it's ruined.

I'm not the best trainer in the world. I'm not the most technical or scientific. But I consistently put videos out there, whether it's for your grandma or a young toddler. And I'm relentless.

You can coddle your child and tell them, 'You're the best no matter what.' But in the end, when they go out into the real world, I think it's pretty tough out there and other children are cruel.

The best way in the world to advertise is to get somebody else to run around with the name of your product on their person or showing it around somewhere and not only that but they're paying for it.

For me the best thing about winning an award is when the people cheer for your win. When you can see that the people are really happy that you are winning something, that's the most reward thing in the world.

There's an awful lot of choices in the world as far as what one can do for a living. It's best to be familiar with as many sectors of the working world as you can be so you'll be better at your creative job anyway.

It's hard when you get into an Instagram hole, because we live in such a Facetuned world. You see all these girls are in their bathing suits, and it's hard not to think, 'I wish I looked like that.' But you can only be your own personal best.

The world you live in is not a given; much of what is best in it has been built through the struggles of passionate activists over the last centuries. They won us many freedoms and protected many beauties. Count those gifts among your growing heap.

As a director, when you embrace a project, you try to understand as much as you can about its world, and you do that by embracing and engaging with people who are in that world. Then it's down to your best instincts, which is what most directing is about anyway.

This mum comes up, she's got a five-year-old kid and she says, 'Can he have your autograph, you are his favourite person in the whole world.' I thought, 'How cool is that? I've got five-year-old fans,' and as I'm signing this autograph, the mum goes, 'Yeah, yeah, you're by far the best Wiggle.'

Your best ideas, those eureka moments that turn the world upside down, seldom come when you're juggling emails, rushing to meet the 5 P.M. deadline or straining to make your voice heard in a high-stress meeting. They come when you're walking the dog, soaking in the bath or swinging in a hammock.

It's like these songs are your babies and you don't want anybody to think your babies are ugly! You never really know until you throw it out there if it's gonna take. And that is a really scary and vulnerable place to be, so having those songs be embraced is the best feeling in the world. That's been our dream our whole lives.

'On demand' is more than just a series of clicks on your still-too-complicated remote control. In fact, it is now the best way to describe what the cable industry - from programmers to content makers to distributors - imagine their world is. Services and content available to very demanding consumers, wherever, whenever, however.

Baseball, in my opinion, would be a lot better if you could just make the same salary as everybody else in the world, and you don't deal with any of the other stuff. But that's not how it is. The main thing is I want to pitch against the best players in the world, and you can't do that playing in a pickup baseball league in your town.

I can see a day soon where you'll create your own college degree by taking the best online courses from the best professors from around the world - some computing from Stanford, some entrepreneurship from Wharton, some ethics from Brandeis, some literature from Edinburgh - paying only the nominal fee for the certificates of completion.

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