Adrenaline is an amazing thing.

You can do amazing things when you believe.

You can do amazing things when people love you.

If you want to do amazing things with your life.

To be amazing means you have to do amazing things.

Work hard, be kind, and amazing things will happen.

People are doing amazing things right now on the Web.

People will do amazing things to ensure their survival.

It's such an amazing thing to be loved for who you are.

When you're true to who you are, amazing things happen.

Jesus on Twitter would have been a pretty amazing thing.

I've been very lucky; God has done amazing things for me.

When the youth of America gets together, amazing things happen.

I think the whole Rockets organization has done amazing things.

Hillary Clinton has done amazing things and she's not done yet.

Linda Georgian is a wonderful psychic. She can do amazing things.

The Alaskan summers are one of the most amazing things you can see.

Only by being obsessed with little things do amazing things emerge.

I think vulnerability is one of the most amazing things about music.

Braun Strowman - that guy's a monster. He's done some amazing things.

When you have life, [it's] the most graceful, amazing thing to happen.

I'm not a kid anymore. And I'm excited for all the amazing things to come.

Amazing things happen when you're having fun and doing something you love.

The body can do amazing things in a situation when it is really called for.

The opportunity, number one, to work with Ang Lee is an amazing thing for me.

I've been judged my whole life. People always expected amazing things from me.

There are so many amazing parts to life, so many amazing things to write about.

I think in many aspects the press does amazing things and helps a lot of people.

One of the amazing things about writing fiction is that you do get to be other people.

Coach Gase has done amazing things, not with just quarterbacks but offenses in general.

If we get the capabilities, NATO, along with the European Union, can do amazing things.

The amazing thing about any movie is not whether it's good, but that it got made at all.

Twitter is an amazing thing, because people follow each other and they can make friends.

Ubuntu is doing amazing things, and I think it's going to change the face of the desktop.

Just getting to wake up and play somebody else for an entire day is just an amazing thing.

I have had such a satisfying career; I've gotten to do so many amazing things as an artist.

I don't want to wake up and not truly be enjoying my life and these amazing things around me.

Technology means you can now do amazing things easily; but you couldn't easily do them legally.

We have millions of users around the globe who do amazing things with our technology every day.

That's the amazing thing about life. You can just rub it out, like a blackboard, and start again.

One of the amazing things about acting now is that you can try different things and have choices.

When you believe in something and truly go after it with all you have, amazing things will happen.

Teens like a lot of the same things adults do: smart people doing amazing things against awful odds.

I'm proud of the U.S.A. We've done some amazing things. To wear our flag in the Olympics is an honor.

When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things.

If you create a vision for yourself, and stick with it, you can make amazing things happen in your life.

I'm happy to be content-maker as well as curator, so I'm happy to also be a presenter for amazing things.

As women, we should set an example and make others feel confident that they can do amazing things as well.

I'm just so made up that I said yes to 'Strictly.' It has been one of the most amazing things I've ever done.

One of the amazing things about September 11 is that we lacked the imagination to connect the dots and foresee it.

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