Giving opens up avenues for abundance.

Acting is my interest, but it opens up avenues.

We must devastate the avenues where the wealthy live

I am just an artiste, and I like to explore new avenues.

I certainly will explore all avenues. K-1, boxing, all of them.

'Slumdog Millionaire' has truly opened newer avenues for India.

I'm always looking to create new avenues or new visions of music.

I don't look at money as success. I look at it as an avenue to freedom.

It's nice to know that there are several different avenues I could pursue.

For me, it's always been tennis. I haven't really explored any other avenues.

When you treat people the right way, it's amazing the avenues that open up for you.

Play off everyone against each other so that you have more avenues of action open to you.

After 'Urinetown,' 'Avenue Q' and now 'Mormon,' is there an envelope remaining to be pushed?

I've always loved music and felt connected to it, but was too afraid to explore that avenue.

And that, to me, is the main attraction to comics. It's an avenue to say what you want to say

The cutthroat avenues of rock 'n' roll, I am fed up with. I don't want anything to do with it.

Worry compounds the futility of being trapped on a dead-end street. Thinking opens new avenues.

I have never done television, essentially, so the Internet has made me and opened avenues for me.

The great thing about pastry is there are so many avenues - it's very hard to get bored doing this.

I believe that painting should come through the avenues of meditation rather than the canals of action.

I jumped around to different schools so I always had to adapt - remain me but pull from different avenues.

There are so many avenues to explore and stories to tell. It's just about finding new ways of telling them.

Education, for me, was big. It allows me to have different avenues, job-wise, because basketball is not forever.

Both mind and heart when given up to reveries and dreaminess, have a thousand avenues open for the entrance of evil.

When television emerged, it opened up many avenues for actors like me, but after a point, it also became very limiting.

Exploring many different avenues, especially setting new challenges, has always fueled my passion for learning something new.

It's all about music, because music is basically what's... been my avenue out of maybe being involved in things I shouldn't be.

I'm grateful for being able to explore different avenues of my writing, whether it be music or stories, and it have an audience.

I'm sure when the times comes, there will be tears, but there are other avenues that I am embracing with much more passion these days.

Thoughts come into our minds by avenues which we never left open, and thoughts go out of our minds through avenues which we never voluntarily opened.

In the history of medicine, it is not always the great scientist or the learned doctor who goes forward to discover new fields, new avenues, new ideas.

I feel we all have a stake in our community as much as we do in our own spirits, and seeking avenues of generosity is the direct path to peace among us.

There's just a proliferation of blogs and the chattering classes and people talking. More avenues for people to make their feelings known, which is good.

Personally, I don't want to live with limitations. If there comes a time where I am dying to play Juliet or Macbeth, I want to make those avenues for myself.

There are many avenues to peacefully protest, but those rights don't extend to illegal actions, breaching security perimeters, and threatening police officers.

I don't have to forsake my career as a musician. I know how to write songs - that's not going to leave me. But I think it's good to explore some other avenues.

My father's house was on East 55th Street on 1st and 2nd Avenues. I'm fifth-generation Marino in the East 50s - I live on 57th Street. I can't be more East 50s.

What is a master but a master student? And if that's true, then there's a responsibility on you to keep getting better and to explore avenues of your profession.

Avenues opened right after I did 'Ship of Thesus' but doing films where there is big money involved or has big stars involved is not the reason I came to Mumbai.

A civilization that only looks inward will stagnate. We have to keep looking outward; we have to keep finding new avenues for human endeavor and human expression.

In our effort to tackle terrorism, we should look into all possible avenues of cyber-crime, its linkages with the terrorist world, and how these could be dealt with.

While there continues to be differences, the important point is that all citizens and elected officials use democratic and legal avenues for solving those differences.

It seems that everywhere I go, people want the same things - security, education, family. It's just that so many people have no avenues through which to obtain these things.

I feel like, to me, art is a ladder to God, in my own opinion, you know. And so, for me, the more people that I can reach through many different artistic avenues, the better.

An adaptable company is one that captures more than its fair share of new opportunities. It's always redefining its 'core business' in ways that open up new avenues for growth.

I think the book business is really sitting on the greatest moment in the history of time. We are providing the stories to the hungry public. We have more avenues to do it than ever before.

I'm just looking at Twitter like, 'Ooooooo.' No, I don't engage, but it's great. There's so many avenues to get your entertainment on; you've got so many people invested in this. I love it.

All sport... is one of the few activities where young people can proceed along traditional avenues, where objectives are clear, where the desire to win is not only permissible, but encouraged.

Rather than undermining the Palestinian Authority, it is in Israel's interests to strengthen it by... continuing to transfer Palestinian tax revenues and pursuing other avenues of cooperation.

The members of the National Clandestine Service of the CIA are called the collectors of last resort. They are tasked to seek the truth when all other avenues of intelligence collection have failed.

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