I had in mind a long career.

I want to have a long career.

I am hoping for a long career.

I've been blessed to have a long career.

Luckily, I had a long career and made good money.

Hopefully I will have a long career at Liverpool.

I've had a very long career of being conservative.

What I wanted more than anything was a long career.

Any great, long career has at least one flameout in it.

You know, it's a long season and hopefully a long career.

I plan on having a long career. I don't want to burn out.

In my long career I have experienced a lot, but never changed.

I never expected to have such a long career, it's been 52 years.

It's been a long career, and I've made some mistakes along the way.

Having a long career with real lasting power has always been a goal.

Ever since I first started acting I've wanted to have a long career.

We've got a long career ahead of us and it's going to be great. Trust me.

I have sung in many languages in my decades long career and Telugu is one of them.

It feels nice after a long career as an actor to find your own voice and support that.

I'm very happy to have a small, long, career instead of one big hit and then oblivion.

We all deal with failure. If you're lucky to have a long career, it's part of the experience.

I hope to have a long career, and I don't want to be defined by things that aren't the music.

I started playing when I was 10 for Milan, and I quit when I was 41, so it's a long, long career.

Like any actor, I want to be able to have a long career and show different characters and a range.

During a long career in TV broadcasting, I spent a lot of time contributing to other people's creations.

Trump has learned over his long career as a lying liar who lies that none of his stories have to be true.

I've had a long career and I want to continue to have a long career. The way to do that is not to go away.

It's not easy to sustain a long career, and sometimes I don't even think about how long I've been doing it.

I want a long career in music, so you've gotta keep trying things out; it's gotta get progressively better.

For the record, in my long career, I've never knowingly exposed classified information in an inappropriate manner.

'Your Life Calling' is the first thing in my long career I've ever actually invented. It is my entrepreneurial debut.

I want to have a long career. But that's based on wanting people to buy into my voice and not into a fabricated image.

I had a long career that started when I was 17. I wrestled for 20 years, so people forget how long I actually wrestled for.

I was blessed with a long career where I won gold medals for myself and my country. Nothing stands out as a disappointment.

For one thing, there is no guarantee that I am even going to work again. I hope I will and will go on to have a long career.

Failure is inherent in the game. So if you don't respond well to adversity, you're probably not going to have a long career.

I want to have a long career in the NBA. First, I want to be an All-Star, and hopefully one day I can win a ring with the New York Knicks.

I think it's a lot harder for the pros to have a long career in ice dance and in pairs. It seems the singles have a little bit of a longer career.

I hope I have a long career, but I really don't think about the future like that. I live, like, for right now, honestly. I take it however it comes.

Well you're talking about a long career, a lot of movies, a lot of stars. I guess working with Henry Fonda and Katherine Hepburn was a great privilege.

The aim for me is to have a long career. I've got a couple of kids, and so I can't really be a fashion because I have to sustain a life for my children.

I had already done Rainbow in Curved Air and had a big record on CBS. I was launched to have a long career and then I just dropped out and went to India.

We've managed to have a long career that is still quite vibrant, yet we've never had to kow-tow to record companies who said we weren't commercial enough.

You need to be very adaptable to have a long career. If you're not taught by somebody who knows different styles you'll be left by the wayside very quickly.

Throughout his long career, Washington earned the adulation not merely of ordinary people but of the other luminaries whom we now hail as 'founding fathers.'

I want to play football. I'm not just here to pick up my salary and do nothing. I'm young, I'm still 23 and still have a very long career, and I want to play games.

Honestly, the thing that I have found to be most useful over a long career, or maintaining a long career, is taking back the power at some point and self-producing.

Going to that level, a lot of guys get to the NFL, and they don't make a long career out of it. The NFL is very hard. One percent of college athletes make it to the NFL.

The challenge is maintaining your interest over a long career, as opposed to pushing hard with no longevity. I'm surprised that I've been able to dance as long as I have.

We were interested in making a long career out of this, rather than being 'Canada's Newest Hitmakers.' It seems to work, and it trickles down to every aspect of the band.

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