People are always arguing: New York or L.A.? They're both great places, you know.

Whether a revolution succeeds or fails people of great hearts will always be sacrificed to it.

I know every actor says this, but the people behind the camera are great. They always have answers.

Even great people are always slightly disappointing, which is generally what makes them interesting.

I think people always assume that every team has great intangibles, and that's not necessarily right.

It's for the common people, people who have made this great country of ours. That's what the heck I say we always write about.

I had four great years at West Ham. People will always refer to the difficulties at certain times, but you get those everywhere.

I've always been extremely lucky in playing with great people who knew much more than I did. That's how I got from there to here.

The Bowery Hotel is always a great place to meet people for drinks. It's so cozy in there, especially in the late fall and winter.

There are five kinds of great apes: bonobos, chimpanzees, orangutans, gorillas, and the one which people always think of last: Humans!

People always say 'humbling,' but I actually think it's quite inflating being nominated for an award. It's wonderful; it's a great feeling.

That's one of my pet peeves. People always want to put something into a category - this one or that one. You know, a great song is a great song.

I've always been a great fan of the state of Pennsylvania. One of the people - one of the people that I admired the most in college athletics was Joe Paterno.

Almost always, great new ideas don't emerge from within a single person or function, but at the intersection of functions or people that have never met before.

I'm not ashamed of comic books. You have some people that are like, 'We're trying to elevate comic books.' Comic books have always told great dramatic stories.

Of course great politicians are always liable to be wrong about something, and the more people tell them they are wrong, the more stubbornly they defend their error.

Photography is very presumptuous. Photographers are always photographing other people's lives - something they know nothing about - and drawing great inferences into it.

All serious elite institutions, from the great London clubs to the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party, have always made sure that most people can't get into them. That's the point.

It's always great to see grey hairs in a crowd; people who are older have been to a lot more gigs than the kids; they've seen everything, so seeing them in the crowd means we've earned their applause.

At Bayern, if you don't win the Champions League, it's always a criticism because we have a great team, but most of the people forget that there are other great teams, and it's not that we aren't special.

Christianity, with or without its whole apparatus of dogma, will endure in its essence for thousands of years after us; there will always be spiritually-minded people who will be ennobled by it, and some made great.

Frank Sinatra was a great singer, but my favourite is Sammy Davis Jr. He had incredible versatility in his voice, often doing impressions of people. It's always going to be classic, and you'll never get bored listening.

TV is such a great medium in what it can do in terms of enlightening an audience. We can really inspire and teach people about other people. That's a powerful tool, and that's something that the arts has always been capable of doing.

There's always these giant baffling books, like 'The Da Vinci Code.' People say it's not as well written as 'Midnight's Children.' Why aren't people reading 'Midnight's Children?' Nobody knows why these phenomenons happen but they're great.

Chicago, we always had it. People just shied away because it's nothing businesswise from the industry. Everybody from Chi will go to N.Y.C. or L.A. - R. Kelly to Kanye to even Twista. Everybody is great from there, but it's nothing downtown.

People didn't always see a person with a disability who had to use a ramp or elevator as people who have been given unnecessary privileges. But I run into that often now. People are saying, 'Why do we have to go to great expense for these people?'

I'm always looking, as an actor, for activities. I think it's far more interesting to watch what people do than what they say. You always want to watch behavior, because the dialogue as written by our illustrious leaders is great. Eminently playable.

There is a great difference between discoveries and inventions. With discoveries, one can always be skeptical, and many surprises can take place. In the case of inventions, surprises can really only occur for people who have not had anything to do with it.

There's always somebody you can call and go have lunch with and just talk out an idea. And it's great, because I need that. It's part of my writing process, to early on sit people down and say, 'Alright, this film I'm working on...' and I tell them everything I have.

A lot of the new people they choose on shows like 'American Idol' and things like that - I don't ever hear lead singers. They always seem to choose to pick people that are great singers, fabulous singers, but they've never got the voice that makes a great lead singer.

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