Sex lies at the root of life, and we can never learn to reverence life until we know how to understand sex.

In the frank expression of conflicting opinions lies the greatest promise of wisdom in governmental action.

While I recognize the necessity for a basis of observed reality... true art lies in a reality that is felt.

The hope for our nation and our world lies within our ability to innovate and move forward technologically.

People like to say that the conflict is between good and evil. The real conflict is between truth and lies.

Jean-Luc Godard said that cinema is the truth 24 frames a second. I think cinema is lies 24 frames a second.

All writing is the same: It's just making up lies until it starts to sound like the truth. That's what I do.

The Doors movie is a pack of lies. It did not make money. You want to make money in America? Tell the truth.

An autobiography can distort; facts can be realigned. But fiction never lies: it reveals the writer totally.

Lies and distortions can be spread, via the Internet, in an inexpensive way, and the effects are astounding.

When people write lies about you, and you know that they are lies, that means that they don't know the truth.

WikiLeaks exposed the most dangerous lies of all, which are those that are told to us by elected governments.

Luckily, even when people are shouting lies, the truth is undamaged. Science doesn't matter what you believe.

I love the truth. Tell the truth and live the truth, because we've seen enough lies and look what it's doing.

Vicksburg lies on top of a bluff on the east side of a large tongue of land jutting out into the Mississippi.

I hate war for its consequences, for the lies it lives on and propagates, for the undying hatreds it arouses.

I needed to be in the bush. There I find solitude and beauty and purity and focus. That's where my heart lies.

You mustn't always believe what I say. Questions tempt you to tell lies, particularly when there is no answer.

The reason why the world lacks unity, and lies broken and in heaps, is, because man is disunited with himself.

The thing that lies at the foundation of positive change, the way I see it, is service to a fellow human being.

Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can save it.

When you read something you have written, you have to confront some of the lies you have been telling yourself.

I heard that after you throw away a 'New York Times,' it takes over a hundred years for the lies to biodegrade.

Under all wrongdoing lies personal vanity or the feeling that we are endowed and privileged beyond our fellows.

You are meant to play the ball as it lies, a fact that may help to touch on your own objective approach to life.

The greatness of this country lies in how every single person can exercise their right to be himself or herself.

A degree of lying - you know, white lies - seems to be inherent in all languages and all forms of communication.

That is the biggest form of bullying ever, the paparazzi. Printing lies, making accusations, it's just bullying.

My personal view is that until there is a disincentive to write lies and abusive comments it's going to continue.

All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting.

There is nothing we like to communicate to others as much as the seal of secrecy together with what lies under it.

Believing: it means believing in our own lies. And I can say that I am grateful that I got this lesson very early.

When we tell little white lies, we become progressively color-blind. It is better to remain silent than to mislead.

Without an advocate for the poor, without a new state of mind in America, the country lies on the brink of anarchy.

It takes little talent to see what lies under one's nose, a good deal to know in what direction to point that organ.

I am, you know, a Democrat through and through. I've always voted Democratic. You know, that is where my heart lies.

My only true harmony lies deep within my soul, wherever that is. I know that somehow I am in tune with the universe.

We buy into all kinds of lies that are sold to us from advertising to Fox news or from the Vatican to Goldman Sachs.

I have no doubt that the lies Trump told on the campaign trail will come crashing back at him in karmic retribution.

Happiness lies in moments, and while you have it, you're not even aware; only afterwards do you know you were happy.

Our very strength as lesbians lies in the fact that we are outside of patriarchy; our existence challenges its life.

My heart lies in music and acting, however, my inspiration comes from adrenaline rush I get from sports... and life.

Wit lies in recognizing the resemblance among things which differ and the difference between things which are alike.

I don't really believe in the Devil, but if the Devil is the Father of Lies, then he certainly invented the Internet.

My work in books, films and talks lies almost wholly with children, and I have very little time to give to grown-ups.

When you love someone, or when someone is special to you, there are situations where little white lies are necessary.

For thousands of years, there have been lies about being gay or not being gay. If you know they're lies, you're free.

The task of the educator lies in seeing that the child does not confound good with immobility and evil with activity.

The camera never lies, man. I've learned that. If you allow it, it will see right through you, which is kind of cool.

There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self.

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