When I lived in England my perception of what people thought of me was largely formed by the media.

People come to me to say I don't sell; Brazilian media say I don't give interviews. Nobody is obligated to do anything.

The actors that inspire me are the comedians and the people able to shape-shift into different roles and into different media.

Nearly every coach I've talked with tells me that the attention you get from media and other people is the thing you miss most. I don't know if that's right.

What a lot the media, and especially Fox News, has messed up with me is they've made it seem like I'm trying to take away people's guns - that I'm against the Second Amendment.

One of the surprises to me was the willingness of many people in the conservative media to roll over, to abandon long-held conservative principles, and to embrace Donald Trump.

The fact that this is getting released, and people are just now hearing it, kind of tickles me. This is just awesome that the media is excited to talk to me and find out what's happening.

People, who accused me of practising a monopoly were wrong. The media fuelled rumours about my 'monopoly.' The first question I was always asked during interviews was about my supposed monopoly.

Of course you want people to notice you're back, and you're playing well just to be respected. Because I was an All-Star, a first-team All-NBA guy. But I don't need the media putting a spotlight on me.

With social media, I can say to the people, 'Here's me live on video for an hour. The full thing, raw and uncut.' So it bring the message directly to the people. It bypasses intermediaries in the media.

I enjoyed working at Fox. I met wonderful people who respected and mentored me. I learned a lot and made life-long friends. The network is an important part of our media landscape, and I want it to thrive.

When the media's attacking me, when the establishment Republicans are attacking me and the Democrats are attacking me, that means I'm the 'We the People' person, and I'm on the right course as far as I'm concerned.

I'm not on any social media. I know people who have met on Twitter and through Facebook. I had a friend, someone liked her photos on Instagram, and they started direct messaging each other and went out on a date! That's so foreign to me.

Thanks to social media like Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads, I can easily reach out to so many people. Being a writer gives me the added bonus of a targeted audience: readers, who enjoy targeted 'prizes' for participation in fundraisers - books and other neat promo items.

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