Minimal art went nowhere.

I love scenes with minimal dialogue.

Happiness is very simple and minimal.

I'm sure corruption in Chechnya is minimal.

I love simple dresses and use only minimal make up.

A teacher should have maximal authority, and minimal power.

I like very minimal stuff. I'm a tomboy at heart - and in body!

My attention span, when it comes to exercise, is pretty minimal.

I like to have bright, clean skin so that I can wear minimal makeup.

I demand minimal for paid rehearsal and not always six weeks either.

In a minimal interior, what you don't do is as important as what you do.

The good news is that even minimal activity can significantly extend life.

A slick ponytail is a great way to add a modern, minimal look to your outfit.

You know, I can be the happiest man in the world with minimal record success.

The form language used by the ancient Egyptians in their structures is minimal.

When I'm not working, I wear minimal make-up. I try to keep my skin clean and easy.

I do a little bit of minimal brow wrangling myself. I get the strays out of the way.

Good asparagus needs minimal treatment and is best eaten with few other ingredients.

Even getting a college degree does not guarantee a minimal knowledge of U.S. history.

I am allergic to metals, so, I am minimal on accessories. Also, I don't wear watches.

Buddy Holly and the early rock 'n' roll was no lighter than the way I play. It's very minimal.

The influence of Paris, for instance, is now minimal. Yet a lot is written about Paris fashion.

My hiatus timeline is so minimal, there's only a select number of projects that I can go in for.

The way I see EDM right now, it's a healthy industry for sure - minimal work for maximum profit.

Through my years of traveling, I've become a pretty incredible packer and great at staying minimal.

Going into a contest, I do not eat solid food and take in minimal calories for days, so I am hungry.

The Brigham Young University (BYU) campus was just a few blocks from my home and tuition was minimal.

I love the sound of Elmore James, the sound early guitarists like him got just by using minimal means.

I know that plans and reality may be two different things, but I think my demands on life are minimal.

In July of 1983, I left Washington, DC area and have had minimal contact with Judge Clarence Thomas since.

I have been known as the minimal and conceptual artist for over five decades. I think I haven't changed much.

The violence associated with the A.N.C. is minimal, infinitesimal next to the violence of the apartheid regime.

When I discovered minimal music I felt I could create my vision - it was totally different to traditional music.

The things I need from my husband and he needs from me are minimal - respect, support when needed, kindness, love.

Let's summon the courage to insist on a minimal level of civic knowledge for the citizens empowered to decide our fate.

The amount of surgeries I've had are absolutely minimal compared to the reconstructive surgeries I've had. Probably 300.

Even on the red carpet, French celebrities keep it minimal. Think of Charlotte Gainsbourg - the look can be quite undone.

Minimal is the word I'd use to describe how I live and dress, and it's also how I sing. I'm not a big fan of overemoting.

I try to focus on the melodies and try to make everything else minimal. The melody and the lyrics are most important to me.

The process of overbooking is a complicated one. It's actually minimal. We, on certain flights, overbook by one or two people.

There's no way my body can be fixed, but what we can hope to do is keep all the deteriorative processes as minimal as possible.

I'm not a part of the glamour industry. I would like to focus on my game, and there are minimal chances of me getting into films.

I'm in this band to give volume to various struggles throughout the world. To me, the tension in this band is a minimal sacrifice.

In State of the Union addresses, I always look at the foreign policy and military parts first, which are generally pretty minimal.

I can't write anything if I don't know where it's set, where the events are happening - even if the details of setting are minimal.

To guarantee the individual maximum freedom within a social frame of minimal laws ensures - if not happiness - its hopeful pursuit.

I am good at just looking in the kitchen and getting stuff on the table and keeping the mess minimal. There's an art to the drudgery.

When I was young kid, I used to watch Jack Benny, and I thought the minimal aspect of what he did was revelatory. I loved Jack Benny.

The impetus for 'The Sisters Brothers' was it occurred to me that there was no neurosis in westerns, or there's a minimal amount of it.

I tend to sort of over-accessorize, but to feel empowered, I strip it all down and become minimal so that it's almost counterintuitive.

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