All I know is just how to make people laugh.

I assume people know how to hit the unfollow.

People don't know how to be outrageous anymore.

People don't know how to behave in public anymore.

I don't know how people say exercising is addictive.

There are some people who just know how to criticize.

People, they don't know how to bend; they just break.

I didn't know how many people knew who Ferdinand was.

I know how people are. We fixate on controversy and all that.

Truthfully, I don't know how those special effects people do it.

I don't understand how you can be a decent writer and not know people.

Without heroes, we are all plain people and don't know how far we can go.

It's peaceful for people to know how their lives are going to be, pretty much.

I don't know how many people run for vice president and president and lose both.

People would be surprised to know how much I learned about prayer from playing poker.

When you tell other people to do stuff they don't know how to do, they tend to freak out.

It gets scary when you're dealing with people who don't know how to separate fact from fiction.

You probably wouldn't worry about what people think of you if you could know how seldom they do.

Brussels sprouts are misunderstood - probably because most people don't know how to cook them properly.

People might be surprised to know how much I throw away. For every page I publish, I throw 10 pages away.

I don't know how many people there are with a million dollars who are inclined to give it to a writers' retreat.

I don't know how people do it these days - paparazzi and that kind of thing. That's something I can't even imagine.

I would say the No. 1 problem with the Volcker Rule is it's too complicated, and people don't know how to interpret it.

I know how critical it is to make sure that people with pre-existing conditions have affordable insurance, and states are able to do that.

No one cares about the Davis Cup. How many people know I won five Davis Cups and seven majors, but that I rarely played the Australian Open?

Of course, I've known people who have mental difficulties, so I know how fragile people's psyches are and how little it can take to overbalance somebody.

I've definitely met some people that cultivated a masculinity that they taught themselves. I don't know how they figured out how to do it, but I couldn't.

I continually marvel at people who can make films that reach five hundred million people. How do you do that? Everybody's different - I don't know how that works.

You know, for a painter, I was an assistant, and then he knew a lot of movie people. So, how do you say in English, I was an extra. I'm in a lot of Danish pictures as an extra.

A lot people don't know that Mannie Fresh is one of my favorite producers because I used to just be fascinated with how he would be producing stuff. He'd be silly, too, when he raps.

I have seen a lot of now-great companies at their earliest stages, and these early-stage startups are not built by the senior people who know how to run and scale big-company machines.

I had many different careers early on. I knew I wanted to be a writer. But, like so many people, I didn't know how to be one - other than just do it. I didn't know what form it would take.

There are horrible people who, instead of solving a problem, tangle it up and make it harder to solve for anyone who wants to deal with it. Whoever does not know how to hit the nail on the head should be asked not to hit it at all.

When you're asked to have a CT scan or a nuclear scan, do you know how much radiation that involves? How many of those sorts of scans have you already had? Is it necessary? Is there an alternative? I don't think many people know about that.

What I really enjoy about writing for orchestras is realizing that - and it's kind of self-evident - but the fact that they are 48 individuals. It's not, you know, a preset on a keyboard. It's all these people who have opinions and who are making decisions about how to play.

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