Got 27 children I never see.

I'm in love with my second cousin.

I swear, I wanna be your underwear.

It's taboo for me to date wrestlers.

Infinitely more taboos, on television.

TV shows about TV were taboo for a while.

Nothing is taboo if you have an angle on it.

The betrayal of trust carries a heavy taboo.

Soul is to be found in the vicinity of taboo.

I think intimacy is the last taboo in many ways.

Isn't privacy about keeping taboos in their place

Being gay is no longer a taboo subject in Germany.

The truth is I never think of any subject as taboo.

I don't know why it's still a taboo to be a feminist.

Expect the unexpected, is what I'd say about 'Taboo.'

I came from a generation of actors for whom TV was taboo.

All that is sacred and taboo in the world are meaningless.

I don't want my children to ever think that food is taboo.

I didn't direct [the Taboo episodes]. I wrote all of them.

I'm glad I've established this as my zone: 'the taboo breaker.'

A woman going out with a younger man feels like the last taboo.

We can't treat issues as taboo because we find them unpleasant.

To look without fear is a good subversive tool, undermining taboos.

It's been taboo for so long to admit you had a mental health problem.

There are no taboos in bed, and there shouldn't be any taboos in bed.

For 10 years, Kosovo was taboo. No one could officially tell the truth.

There are more and more taboos about calling something, anything, ugly.

Menstruation is a natural phenomenon and it is neither dirty, nor a taboo.

This is where I break one last taboo: I'm incredibly glad I'm not a granny.

There's this huge taboo around talking about money that we have as a society.

I was desperate really for people not to accuse me of coldness. It was taboo.

I love watching the National Geographic channel. That show 'Taboo'? I love it!

It's too bad that the idea of witchcraft and sorcery is a taboo subject matter.

The taboo regarding menstruation exists across the world, even among the educated.

I like talking about things that are taboo, because it makes them not taboo anymore.

Elvis, stop dat! You know it is taboo to whistle at night. You will attract a spirit.

The more I question myself about why I think pop is taboo, the more I realize it's not.

But in most cases even the possibility that the correlations reflect shared genes is taboo.

In nicey-nicey land, you must be happy-clappy and positive all the time - bad news is taboo.

Terrorism, as a whole, is - I don't want to say 'taboo,' but it is a very emotional subject.

It's great to go to the cinema and have a conversation about something that is almost taboo.

Folklore provides a socially sanctioned outlet for the discussion of the forbidden and taboo.

With Rajoy, there is a taboo topic, which is the aspiration of Catalonia to decide its future.

Age is not a taboo in the fashion industry. One should learn what to wear to look good at any age.

My vision is to make India into a 100% sanitary-pad-using country. Menstruation is no more a taboo.

I can't think of a subject that is taboo for me, unless it's one I simply don't know anything about.

I've always been attracted to things that are taboo. I've never been afraid to go to that dark place.

There is no policy too sensitive to question, and no subject so taboo that you cannot even mention it.

But the drugs are kind of like taboo, at least among me and my friends and the people I've worked with.

I believe that nothing should be taboo - no theory or prejudice should close one's mind to a discovery.

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