In the uttermost meaning of the words, thought is devout, and devotion is thought. Deep calls unto deep.

If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him.

I think our family motto is to always work hard, be humble, kind, and thoughtful about others around us.

I try to be thoughtful about spreading the wealth: young designers. Mixing things up is important to me.

It is the nature of truth in general, as of some ores in particular, to be richest when most superficial.

Ill health is also a blessing. The flesh and the ego are weakened and contemplation of God becomes easier.

I think the Republicans have really thoughtful financial policies, and I'm more in the middle on taxation.

Life is not all about accomplishment; it's all about doing, participating, progressing, growing, learning.

Lord, please give me big ears and a thoughtful mind. Teach me to ask well and see it through other’s eyes.

Of course he despised the world as a whole; every thoughtful man should; it is almost a test of refinement.

Speaker Ryan's vision for a confident America, both at home and abroad, reflects his thoughtful leadership.

Does the thoughtful man suppose that...the present experiment in civilization is the last world we will see?

Religion becomes a hollow shell of its former self when ritual remains and thoughtful reflection disappears.

The fact is that Americans are not a thoughtful people; they are too busy to stop and question their values.

The thinker as reader reads what has been written. He wears the words he reads to look upon Within his being.

I think coming to work and being absurd and neurotic and thoughtful at the same time is far more interesting.

I don't have a grand master plan, but I try to be thoughtful when I can and also silly. It's part of the fun.

A small boy puts his hand on the wall, and looks down intently as he wriggles his toes. The birth of thought?

Time and fevers burn away Individual beauty from Thoughtful children, and the grave Proves the child ephemeral

You gotta play the hand that's dealt you. There may be pain in that hand, but you play it. And I've played it.

It is very significant that some of the most thoughtful and cultured men are partisans of a pure vegetable diet

Better to illuminate than merely to shine; to deliver to others contemplated truths than merely to contemplate.

But there's a bigger trend I'm seeing: people who used to enjoy blogging their lives are now moving to Twitter.

I'm very big into just feeling good and doing what I want; I'm not very calculated or thoughtful about my moves.

I'm a drag queen who is thoughtful and serious about drag in addition to being funny, ambitious, and glamourous.

It was only through the years that I realized what an absolutely extraordinarily thoughtful person Dr. King was.

Experience and imagination must enter into the very constitution of our thoughts involving concrete individuals.

Valentine's Day gifts like teddy bears, chocolate and perfume are SO lame. How about be thoughtful and original?

Shrinking away from death is something unhealthy and abnormal which robs the second half of life of its purpose.

The difference between religion and science is the difference between thoughtless certainty and thoughtful doubt.

I had a deep prejudice against the South. It's taken me many years to get over that, be more open and thoughtful.

My heart gives thanks for empty moments given to dreams, and for thoughtful people who help those dreams come true

I attract a different kind of boy when my hair's red. I get more quality men - like a more thoughtful, nerdy dude.

Don't ever forget that a small group of thoughtful people can change the world, it's the only thing that ever has.

It is difficult to discern a serious threat to religious liberty from a room of silent, thoughtful schoolchildren.

Disney was kind enough, thoughtful enough and believed enough in me, as a director, to wait for me to be available.

Thus when I have to summarize naturalized spirituality in a single phrase, it is this: the thoughtful love of life.

Go out into the world today and love the people you meet. Let your presence light new light in the hearts of people.

It is with literature as with law or empire - an established name is an estate in tenure, or a throne in possession.

I want to create this really smart, thoughtful podcast network where I do for young people what somebody did for me.

Violence is interesting. This is a great obstacle to world peace and also to more thoughtful television programming.

Below a certain point, if you keep too quiet, people no longer see you as thoughtful or deep; they simply forget you.

Nay, be a Columbus to whole new continents and worlds within you, opening new channels, not of trade, but of thought.

Conservatives deserve a consistent and thoughtful vision for the role of federal government in relationship to states.

There is certainly something of exquisite kindness and thoughtful benevolence in that rarest of gifts,--fine breeding.

AI is witnessing an early innings in India. It has a thoughtful government, and India can race ahead if it chooses to.

Enjoy how sweet, how thoughtful, how kind I'm being on your birthday. Because tomorrow it's back to the same old crap.

I have always held firmly to the thought that each one of us can do a little to bring some portion of misery to an end.

Our boxing is not like the men's. It's more thoughtful, more technical. It's not just, 'Get in there and hurt someone.'

We came, we saw, we bedazzled! You know, and it's hard to be serious and thoughtful when you're dressed like a Skittle.

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