We haven't made money in NASCAR in a long time.

I learned a long time ago that fame and money is not a ticket to happiness.

When I started earning money from screen-writing, for a long time my only indulgences were books.

The money doesn't really matter. I've been a multi-millionaire for a long time. My sons are rich.

It took a long time to get out of my contract. The producers thought I was negotiating for more money.

If we were motivated by money, we would have sold the company a long time ago and ended up on a beach.

A long time ago, Prince said that no musician is ever gonna make money off the Internet, and he was right.

There was a long time where I was an 'artist' in quotes, who had no money. But I guess back then I also never had a girlfriend.

Time is the ultimate long tail. Even with a big wad of money up front, if something sells forever, the back end is what ultimately counts.

I spent a long time working in restaurants and making no money. It was very character-building, but I think it could have been built in a shorter time.

It's important to be dedicated and enthusiastic when you're starting a career. It might take a long time to get established and the money won't flow in straight away.

It's counterintuitive to take a long time to hire someone, but it will save you enormous amounts of time and money later. Our biggest mistakes in hiring stem from speed.

My first contract with WCW was, like, $70,000 a year. I didn't know you could make that kind of money doing this. I was like, 'Wow. I think I'm going to stick around for a long time.'

If you want to make an impact, you need to invest your time every bit as much as your money. And you need to stay involved for the long run. If you can't look at a five-year horizon, you shouldn't get involved.

The farmers in Kansas are sorely in need of a credit system meeting their special requirements, that they may more readily obtain money on short or long time for their farming operations, or that they may become owners of farms.

Philip Pullman and Jacqueline Wilson have both been writing for a long time. In 30 years, will writers of that quality have been able to serve the same sort of apprenticeship? Not unless they can make enough money now to live on.

The commercial broadcasters have tremendous influence in Washington, D.C., for a couple of reasons. First, they're extremely rich and they have lots of money and they have had for a long time, so they can give money to politicians, which gets their attention.

When I earnt my first money, I went to a shop and bought jeans and a top. But then I wore them both for such a long time that finally my model agency said, 'You should buy something else!' I was saving the money because it was the first time I'd ever had any.

Venture capitalists are professional money managers. We are provided capital to invest as long as we can return it to our investors with a strong return in a reasonable amount of time. A strong return is three times cash on cash. A reasonable amount of time is ten years max.

Iowa has long been heralded as a bulwark against the money and media that dominate the modern presidential race. Its caucus requires voters in every precinct to actually gather in a room, at one time, and listen to neighbors pitch their chosen candidates, before they are allowed to vote.

Money can make people look at you in strange ways. You get phone calls from people you haven't spoken with in a long time, and they'll leave a message saying, 'Do me a favor, call me back. I have something I want to ask you.' I'm not going to answer those calls, because there's always something behind it, like a loan.

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