I just try to play hard defensively.

I will bowl defensively if I have to.

I like playing size per position defensively.

I feel like everybody makes mistakes defensively.

If I can't help the team offensively, I can help defensively.

I'm the best guard in this league, defensively, man, hands down.

Defensively, I really feel like I've progressed and gotten better.

Both sides of the game, defensively and offensively, are important.

I feel the need to really get after a guy defensively and showing that.

Defensively, I think I'm very versatile, I can guard different positions.

When it does not click offensively, it is very easy to get down defensively.

I think in the title race it's crucial to be defensively as solid as possible.

Both offensively and defensively, the presence that I have is pretty profound.

Steven Gerrard - at his peak, he was outstanding both attacking and defensively.

If you can hang in games by staying close defensively, then good things can happen.

If I want any shot at getting on the floor, I gotta know what I'm doing defensively.

Defensively, I could be a lot better; my decision-making at times can be a bit poor.

When my game is going well, everything gets much easier, offensively and defensively.

I will play defensively, but if I can help the team further forward, then I will do that.

Thou shalt not steal. I mean defensively. On offense, indeed thou shall steal and thou must.

We're not hitting on all cylinders, defensively. When we're playing good, I'll let you know.

I'm a player who can score and assist, even if I know I'll have to help out defensively too.

The Italians are very strong defensively. They showed in Euro 2000 how good defensively they are.

I need to keep improving tactically, defensively and offensively for the last pass, the last shot.

I've been trying to figure out what mistakes I'm making defensively as far as help defensive stuff.

You can't ever create defensively. You just have to create the next thing that really speaks to you.

I'm a running coach and I am going to continue to run, but I would hope that we are better defensively.

Some big teams prefer to be very strong defensively and have two, three, four counter-attacking players.

You control what you do offensively, defensively. You're controlling who you play, how you want to play.

I've added a bit more composure on the ball and defensively got a bit cuter and improved in one-on-ones.

I'm still going to have to go out and score, but defensively hopefully I can make them a little bit better.

I've talked to a lot of NBA superstars and legends about how I can improve my IQ offensively and defensively.

I have improved a lot, but I would like to improve more, to be better defensively and understand the play better.

You can't have mental breakdowns defensively because teams like Golden State and Cleveland will make you pay dearly.

Defensively, from a team standpoint, I didn't feel I played very well. Very rarely was I satisfied with how I played.

I do make a difference. I just come out and provide a presence in the paint, defensively and offensively. I play hard.

I myself feel that I'm a well-rounded player and got a lot better defensively and without the puck as time has gone on.

It makes me happy knowing my teammates are always going to have my back defensively, and I'm always going to have theirs.

Chelsea is a strong team defensively, and they are quite efficient up front with great players, so I think I will enjoy it.

It's not all about the figures. It's about how you play for the team, how you help your colleagues, how you work defensively.

Allan is good in transition, going box to box, leading counter attacks and breaks. He's mobile and brings protection defensively.

Defensively, hitting-wise, running the bases. There's always room to improve. That motivates me to get a little better every day.

I'm not worried about offense. I've always had that, but I can get better defensively and that in turn will make my offense better.

Offensively and defensively, I think I probably do a lot better in guarding people in transition and shooting the ball in transition.

I want to guard the best wings and big on every team. I want to make their night tough to gain that respect defensively around the league.

I can tell you, those video guys are truly trained to see the spacing, the timing, how offenses progress, what are teams doing defensively.

I just try to make the right play, stay aggressive and defensively just do what I do. I make sure I talk to everyone and control the paint.

I was very involved defensively at Florida, and regardless of popular opinion, I wasn't as much on offense. Should have been, but I wasn't.

I know what I bring to the table. I know my game offensively and defensively. I think I'm one of the best, if not the best, playing two-ways.

Ukraine is an industrialized nation that can produce their own weapons. We're talking about the defensive weapons, which help us just defensively.

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