I think writing is a much more personal thing.

But I never gave up personal things to work, never.

I would say my return to my faith is - it's a very personal thing.

Having personal things in balance is more important than the other.

Everybody's got their own particular vision which is a personal thing.

It's unfortunate that sometimes the personal things affect the business.

Sex is such a personal thing - why do we insist on sharing it with another person?

I've been going through some personal things that have stirred up a lot of old wounds.

Comedy is a very personal thing, and some people will find it funny, some people wont.

Being happy is a very personal thing-and it really has nothing to do with anyone else.

Lardini is my go-to tailor. They work with me on a lot of personal things, which is nice.

People do want to know the personal things. How far is too far to go with personal lives?

Queen songs tend to be about very personal things: personal dreams and personal ambitions.

The personal things should be left out of, in my opinion, out of platforms and conventions.

The Smiths was an incredibly personal thing to me. It was like launching your own diary to music.

Women in general interest me. I like how women are more liable to talk about real things, personal things.

I would never cancel a tour unless I had real reasons and personal things that require my undivided attention.

I'm an actor I'm not a politician. I always kick myself when I talk too much about family, or personal things.

As a fan, Guardiola is the best coach in the world, but personal things that have happened to me were hurtful.

I feel like not all press is good press. Sometimes personal things can be released, and... that's not good press.

When I'm promoting a film, I'm not going to get caught up in anything else, and that includes all my personal things.

My wife is cool enough to let me write about personal things, to be a songwriter exploring the shadowy sides of love.

I share personal things about myself in the context of my interviews and in 'It's Messy' - but that's 20 percent of my life.

My mum was a peacemaker, and in personal things I tend to do that, because I can't deal with personal conflict. I find that horrible.

I've always been able to decide what was more important at different points in my life, but I never gave up personal things to work, never.

I sometimes lie, especially about personal things, because what does it matter? I am a kind of minute commodity, my name is no longer my own.

I still speak with David Silva. We have a personal relationship, and we talk about personal things, but we've not got into football that much.

I hate throwing personal things away, especially my cards. As I know I won't be dancing for ever, these are the things that I will look back on.

If you don't feel comfortable talking about really personal things in your music, you shouldn't do it. There's plenty of other things to write about.

Maybe I am skipping over the city and going from very personal things to the world, from internal experience to giant, far-away-from-space experience.

You can't ever guess at life, at pain. All pain is real, and all pain is personal. It's the most personal thing we have. It eats each of us differently.

A conversation goes sometimes into personal things and that's nicer. You look to each other and you have a different picture, you get into a relationship.

You know me, I'm not that kind of person that cares to unveil all of my personal things to the world because frankly, in terms of my soccer, it doesn't matter.

If I were to save one possession in a fire, it would have to be my dad's camera, an old, broken Nikon. I always keep it with me - his personal things mean a lot.

There are a lot of personal things that take place when becoming governor and I am happy to work with him should he ask. I will give him the best advice I can give.

To this congress the poet speaks not of peculiar and personal things, but of what in himself is most common, most anonymous, most fundamental, most true of all men.

People in this world of superficial communication find themselves isolated and lonely and have difficult in talking about personal things that really matter to them.

Imagine my surprise when, after a lifetime of teaching me to keep personal things to myself, Mom insisted my drawings were the start of a comic strip for millions of people to enjoy.

A lot of times, I have personal things, things I go through that I may exaggerate or make a story around, but it always has a meaning related to something I've been through for real.

My web site is so fresh. The paint is still wet, but stay tuned, because I have lots of personal things, specifically about what is happening day-to-day, that I will keep updating daily.

The only reason why I tend to pass on a movie is either I don't think I'm right for the material and can't play it honestly, or because of time constraints with personal things in my life.

I have a very good sense of tone, and it's possible to talk about very personal things and maintain a level of dignity and even privacy - to go to the place, to talk about it, but not get icky.

Ramy' is based on a lot of personal things, and it's interesting to see how many people feel like it's their story. And how many people view it as this democratic thing that should represent them.

The personal things should be left out of platforms at conventions. You can argue yourself blue in the face, and you're not going to change each other's minds. It's a waste of your time and my time.

After Rilo Kiley broke up and a few really intense personal things happened, I completely melted down. It nearly destroyed me. I had such severe insomnia that, at one point, I didn't sleep for five straight nights.

The act of writing is a way of tricking yourself into revealing something that you would never consciously put into the world. Sometimes I'm shocked by the deeply personal things I've put into books without realizing it.

Having gone through so many of the personal things I've gone through, its about creating an (online) space for girls to be heard. I don't profess to have all the answers. But Ask Elizabeth is a space where girls are not alone.

My mother had always taught me to write about my feelings instead of sharing really personal things with others, so I spent many evenings writing in my diary, eating everything in the kitchen and waiting for Mr. Wrong to call.

'Humans of New York' is basically somebody walking up to absolute strangers on the street every day and, within minutes, talking with them about very personal things. Some things they haven't even told their best friends or family members.

That's an aspect of this business which can be very frustrating and aggravating. Most of what is written about you is wrong and so much of what does get printed is often about personal things that you don't want to have other people read about.

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