I'm becoming anti-Semitic.

We've never been anti-Semitic.

I am glad to be labeled anti-Semitic.

I know I'm not an anti-Semitic person.

Nothing is more anti-semitic than Zionism

Iran is an anti-Semitic, terrorist government.

There was no reason to label us as anti-Semitic.

The founder of the BDS movement is blatantly anti-Semitic.

My feeling is that the English are naturally anti-Semitic.

I don't believe that the entire world is constantly anti-Semitic.

One anti-Semitic member of the Labour party is one member too many.

This idea of me being anti-Semitic is the most ludicrous of them all.

I never suffered anti-Semitic racism because no one thought I was Jewish.

I am the least anti-Semitic person that you've ever seen in your entire life.

Tyler Kent himself is weird and mesmerising - but still unrepentantly anti-Semitic.

The only advantage I have found in being Jewish is that I can be openly anti-Semitic.

I do not want to have anything to do with anybody who is racist or bigoted or anti-Semitic.

The Trump administration has taken the fight to those espousing hateful anti-Semitic views.

Polish culture has always had a strong anti-Semitic undercurrent. There has been awful persecution.

We say to those few who seek to publicize anti-Semitic views that they shall find no safe haven here.

They're always trying to claim that if I talk about world government and corruption, I'm anti-Semitic.

Jesse Jackson is not anti-Semitic, but in politics, you always get in trouble when you try to be cute.

Anti-Semitic insults by 'Svoboda' have caused outrage on number of occasions both in Ukraine and in Israel.

India may be the only country in the world that has been free of anti-Semitic prejudice throughout its history.

It's a lie! I am not an anti-Semite. The World Jewish Congress supported me and said that I am not anti-Semitic.

I think that the anti-Semitic problem in the British Muslim community is worse than among the community at large.

Today, most of the anti-Semitic bigotry is not coming from the Right. It's coming from the Left. We have to face it.

Anyone who expresses anti-Semitic ideas in Poland is like a person who steps on a grave - a despicable act in Polish culture.

I don't just whisper it, I say it and I say it: 'The United Nations is an anti-Semitic organization, an anti-Israel organization.'

I know we didn't make an anti-Semitic film. This is what the Gospels are. And it's none of my business what other people think of me.

There's an unwritten law that you cannot have a Jewish character in a film who isn't 100 percent perfect, or you're labeled anti-Semitic.

It seemed ironic that Lowell Levine and I, who were both Jewish, were going over to identify the remains of a man who was so anti-Semitic.

Our leaders must hold themselves to a higher standard and ensure their words and actions do not promote hate or hurtful anti-Semitic stereotypes.

I am appalled by Le Pen's anti-Semitic past and feelings. A man who says the Holocaust is no more than a footnote in history is beyond my comprehension.

My father's politics and ideas were, to me, unforgivable. He was a Jewish convert who became very anti-Semitic, and I didn't find the anti-Semitism forgivable.

I think all Nazis didn't see themselves as bad people. I've never met a racist yet who thought he was a racist. Or an anti-Semite who thought they were anti-Semitic.

As for me, even though I have been accused of anti-Semitism countless times, no one has ever heard me make anti-Semitic statements or engage in anti-Semitic behavior.

And I think all Nazis didn't see themselves as bad people. I've never met a racist yet who thought he was a racist. Or an anti-Semite who thought they were anti-Semitic.

Rep. Ilhan Omar, a Democrat from Minnesota, is in the news often because of her racially inflammatory anti-Semitic views, including her support for a terrorist front group.

And we've also had now the speaker of the Parliament in Iraq using blatantly anti-Semitic remarks, saying the Jews and sons of Jews are the problem of all the violence that's in Iraq.

I have gotten anti-Semitic mail pieces to my home that I have had to try to keep out of my children's eyes. I've gotten a lot. But whatever - this is what happens in the Internet age.

I did get in a few fights in school. Kids threw around anti-Semitic slurs, not knowing necessarily what they meant. It was probably just something they picked up somewhere, as kids do.

I certainly don't know a lot of anti-Semitic people, but I've got plenty of friends that have a whole bunch of Jew jokes up their sleeve, and every time it's relevant, it will come up.

We witness anti-Semitic attacks in the heart of Europe. We hear anti-Semitic slanders in European media. We feel anti-Semitic hatred in the continent that should have learned the lesson.

The search for a Jewish national home came about due to centuries of anti-Semitic pogroms, expulsions, discrimination and hate. The Holocaust was simply the evil culmination of all that came before it.

I have a deep and personal aversion to anti-Semitism regardless of its source, and I reject and condemn the anti-Semitic statements and actions of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan, and Khalid Muhammed.

Even in November 1938, after five years of anti-Semitic legislation and persecution, they still owned, according to the Times correspondent in Berlin, something like a third of the real property in the Reich.

Al Jazeera has abandoned even the semblance of a credible media outlet, and it broadcasts - both within Gaza and outside it, to the world - anti-Semitic incitement, lies, provocation, and encouragement to terrorists.

Minister Farrakhan absolutely says anti-Semitic, misogynistic and homophobic remarks. And we have unequivocally rejected all forms of racism and hate, including anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, etc.

When one set of Jews labels another set of Jews 'anti-Semitic,' they are trying to monopolize the right to speak in the name of the Jews. So the allegation of anti-Semitism is actually a cover for an intra-Jewish quarrel.

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