Reform is 'the biggest dividend' for China.

Success doesn't demand a price. Every step forward pays a dividend.

Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more you sweat, the luckier you get.

It is an extra dividend when you like the girl you've fallen in love with.

Soldiers are citizens of death's grey land, drawing no dividend from time's tomorrows.

Volatility is not something that is a great fit for Duke if you look at the level of dividend we pay.

When you look at dividend returns on equities versus bond yields, to me it's a pretty easy decision to be heavily in equities.

To reap this demographic dividend, we need to enable the youth to acquire skills required to get the job or become self-employed.

I do not own a single security anywhere that doesn't pay a dividend, and I formed a mutual-fund company with that very simple philosophy.

If the economy can only provide a diminishing political dividend, Chinese leaders will encourage their people to feel pride and vigor in other ways.

Unless the trade deficit shrinks, the combination of the trade deficit and the interest and dividend payments to foreigners will grow ever more rapidly.

If you are an investor who's retired and hopes to live off the income that your portfolio is generating, then we would focus just on the dividend yield.

Operation Sovereign Borders has worked and delivered a human dividend that is compassionate and fair... our plan is simple. We won't change it. Labor will.

Something got screwed up in terms of your priorities if you think it's more important to get rid of the dividend tax than it is to take care of 11 million kids.

Deficit reduction is not an end in itself. It is the means to an end. Canadians must now decide what kind of country they want to build with the hard-won dividend.

Banks should decide on dividend increases and share buybacks after receiving the results of stress tests, when they know how much capital regulators wish them to hold.

Nothing is clear cut in the debate surrounding high-speed rail, but from its successes elsewhere we can be confident that it pays a great dividend to the society it serves.

Art is like a stock with a decent return for people in finance, and they get to feel like they are involved with culture, spend time with artists, as part of their dividend.

Income-producing unit trusts are brilliant because if you can accept capital values will be volatile for a while, your dividend income will always be higher than what you get in the bank.

Escapism always has its place, but when movies connect to other things around us and suggest implications that haven't been considered before, that's a dividend, too, even when our love of movies becomes complicated as a result.

An investor in Duke Energy is expecting a dividend payment. That's roughly 70 to 75 percent of the earnings I produce. The business that goes with that level of dividend is a business that has more predictability, more stability.

After America won the Cold War, some believed we had come to the 'end of history,' and budget-cutters celebrated the so-called 'peace dividend.' As a result, we ignored the toxic mixture of militant Islam and terror that ultimately led to 9/11.

We have learned that precision munitions go precisely where they're targeted to go. We've learned that the introduction of human beings in the equation, who can cause the precision munitions to go precisely where they should go, pays a huge dividend.

I never understood using Kickstarter for commercial purposes. If you want to raise money for commercial purposes, I think you should give someone a dividend. They make money, then you make money. It should be an investment, whereas I think Kickstarter's true purpose is raising money for things that are in and of themselves justifying.

There are several things that can create an alpha - stock buybacks are one. High dividend yields are another, especially nowadays because the stock market yields more than the banks and the tenure treasury. But by and large, it tends to be companies with a strong cash flow, rising sales, accelerated earnings, a profit margin expansion.

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