I'm very into superhero culture and stuff like that, so I always think on very epic terms.

As Far As One-Day Cricket Is Concerned, Dhoni Is One Of The Greatest Captains Of All Times

I grew up reading 'Lord of the Rings' and comic books, so that kind of epic quality I like.

There is grand romance in The Lord of the Rings. It's an important part of epic literature.

'American Idol' became a juggernaut of epic proportions, but to me it was always like home.

The song 'Leroy and Lanisha' on my album 'The Epic' is really my homage to 'Linus and Lucy.'

The measure of you as a leader is not what you do, but what others do because of what you do.

The awesome thing about 'Fortnite' is it's brought a huge volume of digital commerce to Epic.

Winning the Absa Cape Epic was the base for the perfect season. It really spiced up the soup.

Cut out all these exclamation points. An exclamation point is like laughing at your own joke.

The Black Parade is an epic, theatrical, orchestral, big record that is also a concept album.

A lot of people, when you ask if they want to read your epic poem, start bolting for the door.

If you're going to be crazy, you have to get paid for it or else you're going to be locked up.

I have no taste for either poverty or honest labor, so writing is the only recourse left for me

'The Black Parade' is an epic, theatrical, orchestral, big record that is also a concept album.

When I die, the last thing I want to see is the six that Dhoni hit in the 2011 World Cup final.

Here's something to think about: How come you never see a headline like 'Psychic Wins Lottery'?

My secret dream is to write an epic poem. That's probably the most pretentious thing I've said.

The thing about sports movies is, they can't help but feel epic - putting music to images, etc.

Stone Age. Bronze Age. Iron Age. We define entire epics of humanity by the technology they use.

It’s a known fact that in certain contexts people’s great strengths become their epic failings.

God is telling an amazing, glorious, epic story. We have to decide if we will trust Him with it.

The scripts that I've been getting are of epic proportion. People want me to lead the big armies.

The art of storytelling is reaching its end because the epic side of truth, wisdom, is dying out.

I'm a tragedienne in some way. I think quite epically. I like epic landscapes and grand emotions.

Rio has been absolutely epic. I did leave my heart out there, and I wanted to do everybody proud.

Never doubt my weaseling abilities, Shadowhunter, for they are epic and memorable in their scope.

The epic disappeared along with the age of personal heroism; there can be no epic with artillery.

Never paint epic canvases during the revolution, because the revolutionaries will tear them apart.

The true evolutionary epic, retold as poetry, is as intrinsically ennobling as any religious epic.

Epic will manually curate the Epic Games storefront rather than relying on algorithms or paid ads.

I want to return to the epic idea of the grand, big Western, in the sense that 'The Searchers' was.

Grey's' is just a machine. I wasn't really prepared for the epic nature of how popular the show is.

The terror of the unforeseen is what the science of history hides, turning a disaster into an epic.

'Temeraire' is a terrific meld of two genres that I particularly love - fantasy and historical epic.

Good stories must travel through conflict. And in epic stories, the conflict must become unbearable.

Gamers always believe that an epic win is possible and that it's always worth trying and trying now.

'Grey's' is just a machine. I wasn't really prepared for the epic nature of how popular the show is.

Your life is meant to be an epic story. How you think, perform and live today is part of that script.

On open platforms like PC, Mac, and Android, Epic's goal is to bring its games directly to customers.

Thats all I need. To find a soul mate to share my life with. To have a love so epic it will never die.

I have aspirations of making a big, historical epic. I don't know if I'll ever get the money to do it.

Whenever there is somebody at Epic who is capable of doing something better than me, I let them at it.

A pair of legs engineered to defy the laws of physics and a mindset to master the most epic of splits.

I've been dealing with epic images, and I realized all of a sudden that I grew up in the age of epics.

In order to make a great, epic movie, you have to have the four Bs - babes, bullets, blood and blades.

There's never been a fantasy movie of the epic battle of good versus evil that ended with evil winning.

Her reputation for reading a great deal hung about her like the cloudy envelope of a goddess in an epic.

Troy is based on the epic poem The Iliad by Homer , according to the credits. Homer's estate should sue.

Tolkien was influenced by South Africa when he was writing 'Lord of the Rings.' It's really epic scenery.

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