It's always interesting to play a character that obviously has a secret.

Ultimately, I'm not so sure that, as a person, I'm all that interesting.

It's always interesting for me that people vote against their interests.

A 'Starcraft' showdown between humans and AI itself will be interesting.

If you are working 24/7, you're not going to have any interesting ideas.

It's interesting playing something that the audience doesn't fully know.

If you chase fame, you make bad choices. Being famous isn't interesting.

Secrets are very intriguing - I always think thats an interesting theme.

Normal love isn't interesting. I assure you that it's incredibly boring.

Obviously I think politics is interesting and important and educational.

Memory only becomes interesting through its struggle with forgetfulness.

The more money an American accumulates, the less interesting he becomes.

I can't change your life till I can get you to change your daily routine.

The work that's interesting to me in other people is really confessional.

It was so interesting that the girls were moving in such a different way.

The answer is never the answer. What's really interesting is the mystery.

Usually the most interesting stories are written not on paper but hearts.

The words printed here are concepts. You must go through the experiences.

Sometimes when Im nervous, thats when the most interesting things happen.

I have a fundamental faith in folk, that people are interesting and good.

You know, interesting minds usually do hold more than one idea at a time.

People do fun and interesting things because they're fun and interesting.

It's not interesting to achieve; the ways of achievement are interesting.

Manga just needs to be interesting. If it is than it will get serialized.

What is interesting to me about Vikings is that they were failed farmers.

I try to find a way to make it comfortable or interesting or funny to me.

My own survival required me to counterbalance interesting with invisible.

This book is so interesting. I always wonder what's going to happen next.

It is not enough that poetry is agreeable, it should also be interesting.

Waxing was an interesting experience. Not quite as painful as I expected.

And, of course, supernatural elements just make a story more interesting.

Abstract painting is dead. That's why it has become so interesting again.

In order to continue to do interesting work, you need to be...proceeding.

You should take notes whenever you hear interesting or original language.

Inner space is so much more interesting, because outer space is so empty.

If only loud people were even half as interesting as they think they are.

I'm like a good cheese. I'm just getting mouldy enough to be interesting.

The best way to destroy the capitalist system is to debauch the currency.

The photograph is always more interesting than what the photograph is of.

Most actors will tell you that villains are the most interesting to play.

The universe is a really interesting place. I couldn't live anywhere else.

The most interesting thing about Google is its founders hated advertising.

The world is infinitely more interesting than any of my opinions about it.

It's really just interesting to ask: why not? And see where that takes me.

I know for a fact that sickness is easier, but health is more interesting.

Chris Columbus was really interesting to watch how he works with children.

Pacino's always played the suffering prince. I just find that interesting.

The way that words fit together is always interesting to me. I love words.

In a roomful of shouting people, the one who whispers becomes interesting.

It's interesting that a lot of female artists want to collaborate with me.

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