I touch up photos so people look as good in their photographs as they did in real life.

The cycling helmet can save your life, but it doesn't look good and tends to ruin your hair.

I don't care if I die - look, I'm old - but you want your kids to have good times and a good life.

I feel really good about the things I've accomplished in my life, and I don't want to look younger.

As I look back on the last few decades of my life, I am struck by the good fortune that came my way.

Good looks are not something you earn. But as you get older, how you look is a reflection of the life you've led.

Self-awareness is the ability to take an honest look at your life without any attachment to it being right or wrong, good or bad.

Good fiction creates empathy. A novel takes you somewhere and asks you to look through the eyes of another person, to live another life.

Everyone needs a lay-up at some point in life - just somebody to look out, something good to happen in your life to kind of push you forward.

I think that when you don't look at the good things around you, that you lose sight of all those good things. And you're not going to enjoy your life.

I'm very realistic in my outlook on everything in life. When I look ahead in my mind to see what's going to happen next, I see the good and I see the bad.

Make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back. Regret is an appalling waste of energy, you can't build on it it's only good for wallowing in.

If you look in real life, it is very hard to describe people as good people, bad people, heroes or villains. People aren't bad people. They all have their justifications.

The essence of morality is a questioning about morality; and the decisive move of human life is to use ceaselessly all light to look for the origin of the opposition between good and evil.

You'll be a good parent when you're ready to no longer be selfish. Until I was about 35, it was all about me. I look back and I'm astonished at how I lived my life - it was totally self-involved.

My version of a good role model is everything that I have strived to become over the years, as I have a deep desire to live an honest life and give relentlessly and openly to people who look up to me.

One of the biggest struggles of my life is my weight. My weight is always going up and down, and I'm always fighting that, and I think that no matter what I do, I'm never going to look good enough to everybody else.

If you're a poor white person and your life sucks, it's easy for you to blame Hispanics cos you don't want to look in the mirror and say, 'I'm the reason my life sucks.' The Republicans do a good job exploiting that.

There aren't always, especially in low-income communities, the arts and the dance and the drama and the things that can really show a kid, 'Look, even if I'm three years behind in math, there's something I'm good at that can help me be successful in life.'

My thing about going to the gym is that I leave my bracelets on, and I put on my makeup the way I would do it in real life, and I wear cute clothes, because if I don't feel good when I leave the house, then I'm not motivated to do it. I need to like how I look while I'm doing it.

The quality of life of European cities and towns of almost any size make life in America look not just like a joke, but a sick joke, a horror movie. But I'd rather stay involved and do what I can to make this a better place than move to the south of France and enjoy the good life.

It is said that Mahatma Gandhi, when asked about Western civilization, remarked, 'I think it would be a good idea.' That's how I feel about intelligent life on Earth, especially when I think about the question of what truly intelligent life might look like elsewhere in the universe.

Yeah, like, when I look back on my life, I just remember back what happened in '74, or something. It seems like only the real good stuff comes to mind. I don't think of all the tragedies and all the funerals. That just doesn't come to mind at all. I guess I'm really blessed that way.

You look at anything, and you're like, 'Is this as good as 'Breaking Bad?'' It took a while for me to stop comparing every project that comes my way to that. That's one of the reasons I wanted to do 'Life in Pieces.' I just want something that's a 180. I just wanna do something completely different.

We have to look at levels of migration. We are in a world that is quite chaotic. Some people are really frightened about it. Some people are quite despairing. They don't believe our country is capable of providing a good quality of life. That feeds into why people voted Ukip and induces a culture of despair.

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