I'm a horror movie fanatic.

I'm not really a horror movie fan.

'Kiss Land' is like a horror movie.

I'm a huge horror movie fan. Beyond belief.

The Witch' was intended to be a horror movie.

I am actually scared of even watching a horror movie.

People want to be disturbed when they go see a horror movie.

When I go see an R-rated horror movie, I want lots of violence.

I've never done a horror movie, like a full-on gore slasher film.

I love horror movie soundtracks like 'It Follows' or 'Halloween.'

I'm not a big horror movie fan. I am afraid of them; they scare me.

I'm always jumping in my seat or gasping during a good horror movie.

I ain't gonna get this, it's a horror movie, it's hard to act scared.

The most fun part of making a horror movie is watching it with an audience.

I'd love to make a horror movie, that's definitely where I want to be one day.

It's a horror movie, but it's quite emotional too, and there's a lot of humor.

I just wanted to be a part of something that's a horror movie that scares you.

With a horror movie, you don't want to anticipate where things are going to go.

The nice thing about a horror movie is that people go in looking to be unsettled.

I am like the perfect horror movie viewer because I do not get scared very easily.

There are certain rules one must abide by in order to succesfully survive a horror movie.

If there was a horror movie showing somewhere in Liverpool between 1967 and 1975, I saw it.

In England, I'm a horror movie director. In Germany, I'm a filmmaker. In the US, I'm a bum.

This indication of audience interest is good for all horror movie makers at any budget level.

I think The Exorcist is the best American horror movie ever made. Friedkin was at the top of his game.

I think safely experiencing fear by watching a horror movie makes real life a little less frightening.

It's easy for me to write a horror movie about real stuff because my mind is always going there anyway.

Good luck dragging me into a horror movie! I get so scared. It's an overactive imagination or something.

I am open to them. If I come across something interesting, and I think it suits me, I may do a horror movie.

Some day, I'm in a horror movie, and some days I'm in, like, a sweet, independent feature about relationship.

If I'm going to direct a horror movie, I'd have to be the one writing it, because I have to make it personal.

I was lucky enough to have a plethora of types of roles before and during the horror movie part of my career.

I always laugh because people assume I love horror because I do a horror movie, but I'm not a huge horror fan.

Racism is like a horror movie. Black kids die because of racism. I don't know what's more horrifying than that.

I think I've only done one horror movie, Psycho III. That was a walk in the park compared to a romantic comedy.

I love the first hour of a horror movie, the fear and anticipation. Then, when it gets bloody, I lose interest.

I love horror movies. I mean, who doesn't like a good horror movie every once in a while? It's fun to get scared.

In Europe, there is no horror movie. It's very hard to make a slasher or gory movie. There is no audience for that.

Marvel has, like, 9,000 characters. They could do a horror movie tomorrow and call it Marvel. They can do anything.

I've got a varied taste in films. I love a good horror movie - the first few 'Saw' films for example - but I also like comedies.

I never shoot my movies like I'm shooting 'a horror movie,' I shoot them like dramas. Dramas and then something horrible happens.

What was always interesting about Thomas Harris' books is they were a wonderful hybridization of a crime thriller and a horror movie.

It's not that I won't do any horror movie. The script has to be good and also the execution has to be perfect to attract the viewers.

I saw 'Food, Inc.' last night - it was like a horror movie. I'm definitely thinking about my food supply now and how I want to grow my own.

I think if a horror movie is really scary, you'll think about it for weeks, and there's something kind of fun about that - about our art, really.

The first time I ever saw a horror movie, I think I was in middle school, and we watched 'I Know What You Did Last Summer' and 'It' at a slumber party.

My number one horror movie is the '60s British version of 'Ten Little Indians.' This movie scared me to death when I was a kid - I still dream about it.

I'm so excited to see 'Horns' because it's so many different genres in one film. It's a sci-fi, it's a love story, it's a horror movie, it's a fairy tale.

Part of a horror movie has to be a bit fakey for me to really enjoy it. The new ones are so realistic that they distract me from the ride through the horror.

I love watching a good, freaky horror movie. I love it. It's one of my favorite things to do, to go and see at the cinema. Just to tune out and be freaked out.

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