'Silence Of The Lambs' was not something people expected me to do.

People tried to make me something that I wasn't at the beginning of my career.

I don't belong in the world. That's what it is. Something separates me from other people.

Bobby was one of the few people I had ever known who really wanted to do something for me.

I like to move among painters, mathematicians, psychologists, people who can tell me something.

Americans are somehow obsessed with her, and something about me hit a spot with people in Japan.

People who have seen me read usually come up afterwards and invite me to be a part of something.

I guess there's something that's appealing to me about people that are aspirational-slash-deluded.

I think I've finally proven something to people who were cynical about me. Because they were cruel.

When people first meet me, they think I'm going to be a mean guy or something. I guess I just need to prove that you can't judge a book by its cover.

We all have our preferences - some people go for birds - but for me, there's just something about the wolf; the design of it is really aesthetically pleasing.

Publishers send me a lot of first novels because my first novel was the defining novel of my career, and I guess a lot of people want my benediction or something.

The one thing people like about my show is it's universal. Everybody can relate to it. I think people enjoy going to a show and saying, 'Something like that happened to me.'

My nucleus of friends or something protects me from the machinery that is Hollywood. I don't think I'm on the same quest that a lot of people are. I guess that could be a limitation.

A lot of people have sought to place me in the position as the leader of the anti-Trump movement. That is not something that I have aspired to. It's not something that I've requested.

Economic chasm between people is something that is of interest to me. And something that I used to write about even as a child. It's something I've revisited a few times in my writings.

People ask me, 'What is the mystique of the Texas songwriter?' Well, we ran barefoot from March until November. I think there's something about being a barefoot kid that gets you closer to the place - you take root.

I want to make it clear that I honestly answered every question put to me during the so-called Iran-Contra hearings. But if they didn't ask me about something, I wasn't about to reveal things that would put other people in jeopardy.

When I was growing up, the brands that were most powerful were people brands, like Michael Jackson or Madonna. They stood for something that, perhaps, wasn't wholly who they were, which then became an image that they sold. That's still a brand to me.

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